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Can't Get Anything Right

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Texting back and forth, even very enthusiastically, doesn't guarantee she's interested in dating you long-term. Having a wonderful attitude before and during the date–who honestly wouldn't want to make a good impression–isn't a guarantee either that she wants to date you again.

The one foolproof sign that shows she's interested in dating you is if she accepts to go on another date.

Also, remember that whilst maybe indeed something you did put her off, she could've been multi-dating, she could've received a text from a an ex-boyfriend, etc.





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6 hours ago, LikeWater said:

 calling 3 drinks too much when you're at a place made to drink is pretty absurd to me.  

Why is this thread being hijacked to debate BAC and DUIs? Who cares?

Just about everything from the excessive texting and worst of all, "come up to my place" is where this went sideways

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6 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

Why is this thread being hijacked to debate BAC and DUIs? Who cares?

Just about everything from the excessive texting and worst of all, "come up to my place" is where this went sideways

Well, the OP is wondering what he did wrong. One thing we're speculating is excessive drinking. He had three drinks to his date's one. I would give that a side eye if I was on a date with someone who drank that much during our first date.

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5 hours ago, boltnrun said:

Well, the OP is wondering what he did wrong. One thing we're speculating is excessive drinking.

Dont think that was the issue, today girls drink more then the guys sometimes. 😁

I avoid drinking at first dates. But unless its a very specific case(I know a girl whos father was alcoholic so she hates drinkers) here its not a problem unless you get "wasted". I got under impression that OPs girl doesnt mind drinking as she did drink with him, even let him kiss her. Dont think she chose to not continue because of that. 

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