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She likes more than I like her. I don’t want to lead her on, what do I do?

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Yeah, 4 mos is long enough to figure out if you're 'feeling it'.. or not.

And it's okay, don't feel guilt.  Just be honest and don't drag this one any longer.

She's not one for you.  That's fine.

Have a good talk with her and tell her you're just not into this anymore and is best you go your separate ways.  Then end all contact.

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1 hour ago, Alittlehelpplz said:

It might be me. I’m unsure. I’m not commitmentphobe, I actually like relationships over being single. She isn’t a rebound, but my last relationship ended about 10 months ago. 
Maybe it’s that I don’t know, but you’re right. It’s not fair of me 

Ah, I see. Then I would say that its probably that you just dont feel it. Dont beat yourself too much over it, that stuff happens. She could be most wonderful girl in the world but if your heart isnt there, then your heart isnt there. They say that in first few months with somebody there is a big "infatuation phase" happenening. That means that you should be all over her. If you dont feel it now, chances are that you wont feel it at all. So yes, its best for you two to go each to your own way. 

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Coming from a woman who spent 2 years in a relationship with someone who likely felt exactly how you feel now but made the decision to make the "commitment" to me only to ultimately abandon me later on causing a whole bunch of hurt and pain that could have been avoided, trust your intuition. There's something telling you this isn't the one, you should listen to it. Otherwise, whatever hurt you think you'll cause her right now by telling her you don't want to pursue this any further will be amplified a million times more when you ultimately leave her down the road. 

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On 9/29/2022 at 2:17 PM, Alittlehelpplz said:

What feels off is. I don’t feel that passion or spark. I hat using that term but I know how that feels now and it’s hard to pretend that I do. I’m hoping that changes and that’s why I’m still here 

The problem is, the longer you allow her to invest in you, the harder it will be on both of you when you want to break up.

Consider, too, that this young woman has a fertility window. The more of her time you take, the more of an impact it can have on her ability to find the right person to love and with whom she can build a future.

Trying to force a fit has consequences, and you're not likely to ever feel 'good' about that.

Also, don't YOU deserve to find your RIGHT match?

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