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Would a guy talking about his future to me be a sign we're getting serious?

Guest Anonymous

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E.g new jobs he has applied for and got, exams he has recently passed etc. He goes out of his way to tell me. Along with other signs for example, meeting my parents and general signs of showing commitment etc. 

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11 minutes ago, Guest Anonymous said:

, meeting my parents and general signs of showing commitment etc. 

How long have you been dating? Are you dating exclusively? How old is he?

What do you mean by "signs of commitment"?

There's no crystal ball. Dating is to see if you are a good fit. Not to map out your future.

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What's on people's minds are what they speak about. Wouldn't those things be important to him and something he would find an interest in speaking about?

Sounds like you're nervous because you really want this to work out. That's a normal feeling when a relationship is new and you really like the guy. Try to enjoy the present without projecting to the future. Have a wait-and-see attitude and all will be revealed over time. 

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I would avoid signs as much as possible and it's not a negative that he is talking about his future plans.  I've dated men who really wanted to play at being a couple/convince themselves we were getting serious so they'd want me to meet the parents, talk about future plans -and it was all talk.  Actions matter. Actions like asking you to be exclusive, concrete plans about the future for the two of you (not just moving in together -sharing physical space doesn't mean a stronger bond unless that's the reason to move in together) - like future vacations he's actually planning, or family events, and also if there are relocation decisions for his job, including you in on them because you're a factor.

Having written all that I really do agree with what Andrina wrote.  

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1 minute ago, reinventmyself said:

too many anonymous to keep track of?  No history or info to tell who's who.  Is it the same person talking to themselves?

Also, none of the OP's of these "anonymous" threads has come back to clarify or respond to replies. So yes, I presume it's the same person posting three different questions about the same man.

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I would pressume its just maybe troling but who knows...

We got jealousy, him planning next meating and asking about commitment. It might as well be about the same thing lol. 

Anyway, I wouldnt pressume that somebody wants the future just because they talk about their stuff and what they do. Its just talking about their stuff. Unless its specific future with you involved like "I will get the job in different city and want you to come with me" or "want you to move in" or something like that. 

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