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Look at you, all handy! I'm legit impressed.

My toilet seat keeps shifting to the side when I'm sitting on it. Also, the pipe that leads to my bathroom sink leaks when I run the faucet full blast. Are you available and what is your schedule of fees?

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5 hours ago, Fudgie said:


I've done a number of smaller projects by myself recently, namely: creating my own "hardwired" doorbell setup with 24v transformer, rewired a new thermostat with a c-wire workaround, bought and installed a new dishwasher and then rerouted the original draining pipe, replaced/modified sink plumbing to accomodate "modern" litter box (no scoop), installed most of my bathroom fixures (shelving, vanity cabinets), etc.

I have a bunch of things that I am getting to, all in time.


Dang Girl.  Impressive!

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This is so awesome Fudgie!


We are leading similar lives at the moment! We got the keys to our new house two weeks back - it’s again a major renovation but we are up for it; just about! It’s been really taking our mind off everything in the world, just like yourself, couldn’t have come at a better time for us! 

I feel like, you need a massive pat on the back here. You are doing all this solo, you got to where you are, feeling great, looking great - healthy, happy! Major kudos! 

All the best with your new home! Beautiful, new beginnings, a place to make memories! 

I would LOOOOOOOOVE to see pictures 😍 I realise that is very nosey and not keeping your anon status very cinched so, I get that you probably can’t. But keep the details coming. Absolutely adore interior design! Love a project! 

All the best,

(Keep up the medieval chic!)



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21 hours ago, Fudgie said:

The fiber company hadn't yet come to my street yet (lack of demand? I don't know) but they were on an adjacent street. I kind of pestered the company to get a line/box out to my place and was willing to pre-sign a multi-year contract. The alternative is the local cable monopoly company, which is notoriously expensive and unreliable, so that's why I pushed so hard. I started pushing for it before I officially closed, knowing that they wouldn't need to access the property until later.

I had to wait a long time (months) but it was finally done. I was willing to pay for installation costs that went over/beyond too, but I didn't end up having to do it. I have a box installed on the outside of my house now and had the install guy drill a hole for me, leave tons of wire, and I took care of the rest. I ran the wire to a more "central" area of the house and secured the wire along the walls the whole way so the actual fiber terminal is in a good place. 

I've done a number of smaller projects by myself recently, namely: creating my own "hardwired" doorbell setup with 24v transformer, rewired a new thermostat with a c-wire workaround, bought and installed a new dishwasher and then rerouted the original draining pipe, replaced/modified sink plumbing to accomodate "modern" litter box (no scoop), installed most of my bathroom fixures (shelving, vanity cabinets), etc.

I have a bunch of things that I am getting to, all in time.


Well done Fudgie!  Sounds like everything was worth it in the end after the waiting period.  I'm presuming you ran all the wires inside the walls after they entered through the drilled hole?  Then in reading about all of your projects, you sound very skilled and I imagine you are saving money in the process. 

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On 4/8/2022 at 10:47 AM, boltnrun said:

Look at you, all handy! I'm legit impressed.

My toilet seat keeps shifting to the side when I'm sitting on it. Also, the pipe that leads to my bathroom sink leaks when I run the faucet full blast. Are you available and what is your schedule of fees?

Haha, I'm flattered but I am just barely figuring things out myself 😅 I'll tell you, YouTube and Google searches are awesome. I've been learning a lot. I do know my limits though - I don't mess around with electrical panels, gas connections, things like that. 

Lo, I'll find a way to share some pics with you, somehow, or even on here. I'll figure it out. I definitely want to show off my new place once I get things set up. My walls are still bare but I'm still figuring out where to hang everything I want to. My den/entertainment room will have more of the "casual" stuff, like a couple of GoT banners, some video game stuff, etc. Everywhere else will be old art and replica old art, mostly European but some other things as well. Confused medieval chic indeed! My furniture is all really old too - mostly 100+ years. Nothing expensive, just old. 

Beatles - yes, you are correct. I had the electrician come and drill the hole for me. I already determined where I wanted the hole to be but I Wanted him to drill it as I don't have a bit long enough and also, if there were an old transformer within the wall (from an old doorbell setup), I'd rather HE be the one to figure that out, not me, haha. I paid $200 for a service call and really got him to do a lot, many little electrical things I needed done, I made a list.

After he made the hole, I used putty to "cap" it until I figured out the setup. I finalized my research and settled on a doorbell and installed it. I then drilled a small hole near the floor so that the plug-in transformer could be threaded through and be plugged in the outlet in the OTHER room. I then fastened the wire to the wall along the bottom once set up so it kind of blends in/is out of the way. Chime is plug-in, in a central location in the house so I can hear it downstairs and upstairs. 

I do really like this house.


Lo, tell me more about yours!

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On 4/9/2022 at 4:20 PM, beatlesfan77 said:

Okay, now I’m interested to know which video systems and games you play?

Playstation (4) and Nintendo Switch. I plan to get a PS5 in the future but that's a ways off.

I play mostly solo games at the moment. Used to play ESO but it got to be too much of a time suck for me. I like FPS but not really into COD too much, I like games like Hitman and really anything by Naughty Dog or Rockstar Games. I've played a lot of the "classics", like the Bioshock series and such. I also like some VR games here and there. 

I also love open world type games, think Breath of the Wild and the like. Story based games like LA Noire are fun too. Sometimes just like to rot my brain with something like the Sims 4. 

So I'm pretty solo when it comes to videogames - multiplayer, I'm all about board games in person! 


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7 hours ago, Fudgie said:

Playstation (4) and Nintendo Switch. I plan to get a PS5 in the future but that's a ways off.

I play mostly solo games at the moment. Used to play ESO but it got to be too much of a time suck for me. I like FPS but not really into COD too much, I like games like Hitman and really anything by Naughty Dog or Rockstar Games. I've played a lot of the "classics", like the Bioshock series and such. I also like some VR games here and there. 

I also love open world type games, think Breath of the Wild and the like. Story based games like LA Noire are fun too. Sometimes just like to rot my brain with something like the Sims 4. 

So I'm pretty solo when it comes to videogames - multiplayer, I'm all about board games in person! 


Looks like you have a great taste in gaming!  I have a PS4 as well which is my go-to (you can look me me up at beatlesfaninaz on PSN if you'd like).  Then I also have a 3 and a 2 which aren't hooked up right now.  Had the original at one time too but sold that one with the 2 being backwards compatible.  Along with a 360 (hooked up), Genesis, SNES, Saturn, and NES.  I'm also in no rush for a PS5.  Don't want to touch my current set up and I don't have a 4K TV.  Switch is a pretty cool concept but to me it's not a must have.  Maybe when I travel more. 

By ESO you mean Elder Scrolls Online?  I haven't played that one before along with Hitman.  However, I also like the Naughty Dog games.  Bioshock is pretty good too.  I love the whole art deco sci-fi theme.  COD online is annoying.  Every time I've tried that I keep getting sniped out a second or two after I re-spawn.  I think Battlefield is better overall.  Red Dead and LA Noire are the only Rockstar ones I have.  Sims I need to check out which was a freebie through PS+ not too long ago. 

Are you in any Meetup groups for board games or do you play those online as well? 

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Nice, you have good taste as well! I do like RDR2...have you played GTA games? V is good, I have that one. 

Yes, I was referring to ESO. I still have a slight urge now and then again to get back into it but ah, what a time suck. I was solo'ing it all too, just using group finder to find strangers so I could raid dungeons. That was it. Sims is fun - have you ever played it on a PC? 

I did meetups quite often for board games. Yep, all in person. That's something I hope to get back into. Covid killed a lot of that for me. I do play games with a couple "safe" friend, namely an ex bf of mine and his (now long term) gf. 

Each time I get ready to jump back into in person board gaming, the local cases spike! ARGH. 

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Things have been going well for me overall. The only bad thing is my current job. A coworker approached me recently about meeting me privately to talk face to face about a VERY sensitive work topic. This coworker has a history of lying and twisting the truth around so I respectfully asked that if I am to talk with her about this particular topic, I would prefer one of our joint managers (neutral) is present with us. This manager had already agreed to do this for us. 

This coworker FLIPPED s__t. I got a scathing email from one of my bosses (not the one I asked), outright calling me immature for wanting someone else there, "why can't an adult sit down and have a conference with another adult ALONE without needing a WITNESS" 

That sounds like something someone would say to me when they are trying to get me out alone in the woods so I can be executed. Just saying. 

I didn't even respond - my other boss got involved and took care of it for me. But I'm pretty mad and I'm planning to leave ASAP and I'll give my boss the bare minimum of notice. Just getting my ducks in a row first. 

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21 hours ago, Fudgie said:

Nice, you have good taste as well! I do like RDR2...have you played GTA games? V is good, I have that one. 

Yes, I was referring to ESO. I still have a slight urge now and then again to get back into it but ah, what a time suck. I was solo'ing it all too, just using group finder to find strangers so I could raid dungeons. That was it. Sims is fun - have you ever played it on a PC? 

I did meetups quite often for board games. Yep, all in person. That's something I hope to get back into. Covid killed a lot of that for me. I do play games with a couple "safe" friend, namely an ex bf of mine and his (now long term) gf. 

Each time I get ready to jump back into in person board gaming, the local cases spike! ARGH. 

Thanks!  Recently I've been playing a lot of virtual pinball (Pinball FX and Stern Pinball Arcade).  I actually have not picked up RDR2 yet but will someday once it comes down in price again.  Still working on the very first one and RDR.  I have not played any of the GTA games.  Yes I have heard a lot of great things about V.  Can't you also fly planes in that one?  I've got so many games I have yet to play that I'll be busy for years.  Some of them are still in the box shrink wrapped.  LOL!

The only Sims I have is the one for PS4.  Pretty sure they make it for Mac as well but I'd have to check and see if my systems specs can handle it.  That's one thing that got me out of PC gaming.  Having to always upgrade to support new games.  With the console, I know it's going to work when I purchase the game as it was designed for it.  I remember back when Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine came out and I was so stoked for it.  Finally it came out and I was very disappointed when I read the system specs on the side of the box.  That was the last straw.

Yes, Covid destroyed a lot of things when it came to social schedules and everything changed.  I hope you get to get back into the Meetups again with board games.  Maybe I'll try it too as things get better.  How are you able to be around your ex and his gf?  No arguments either? 

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21 hours ago, Fudgie said:

Things have been going well for me overall. The only bad thing is my current job. A coworker approached me recently about meeting me privately to talk face to face about a VERY sensitive work topic. This coworker has a history of lying and twisting the truth around so I respectfully asked that if I am to talk with her about this particular topic, I would prefer one of our joint managers (neutral) is present with us. This manager had already agreed to do this for us. 

This coworker FLIPPED s__t. I got a scathing email from one of my bosses (not the one I asked), outright calling me immature for wanting someone else there, "why can't an adult sit down and have a conference with another adult ALONE without needing a WITNESS" 

That sounds like something someone would say to me when they are trying to get me out alone in the woods so I can be executed. Just saying. 

I didn't even respond - my other boss got involved and took care of it for me. But I'm pretty mad and I'm planning to leave ASAP and I'll give my boss the bare minimum of notice. Just getting my ducks in a row first. 

I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through there.  Sounds like a pretty toxic environment.  I wouldn't want to be there either.  One of my previous work places had a program where you could have an "umpire" per se if there was a dispute between two employees.  You would think that would be beneficial as it would give each side a chance to tell their story. 

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Yep, planes, helicopters, you name it, fun times. I like GTA quite a bit, but all time favorite will always be GTA San Andreas. 

I prefer Sims a bit more on PC, as I just feel it's easier to do all the customizations and such. That said, I can navigate the PS4 one just fine. It's a fun game to veg out to. If you are having a long phone conversation or something like that, it's a cool game to play while you talk. I do want to get into PC gaming but like you, the constant spec upgrade is annoying to me. I feel I just really have the time or desire. I do love the look of PC games though. I'm thinking of getting an Oculus sometime in the future - what do you think? 

I'm really hoping to get back to doing games in person. I don't even mind wearing masks or anything like that. However, there is still a safety aspect involved, as it's probably not a good idea to have hands-on games (cards, dice, other tokens) all being shared between people when there is a pandemic surge going on. It really makes me sad. I miss my meet-ups. I think I went to a couple back in the summer, last summer that is. Now EVERYONE around me is getting sick with covid. I guess I need to wait a bit longer.

My relationship with my ex ended amicably years ago; I ended it at the time. We just weren't right for each other for many reasons. He is a good man though and I'm really happy he's with his girlfriend. She's a great woman and they seem to "fit" very well. They are moving in together too! I see them occasionally, as the 3 of us play board games and such together. Definitely no arguments between us, there is no bad blood. It was years ago now that my ex and I split and he's clearly happy in this becoming-long-term relationship and the ex can see that I'm no threat. I would consider her a friend, actually. We have a lot in common and we often share baked goods that we make. 

I told my ex a long while "now don't you screw you this up, she's a good one!" so I'm glad to see they are happy.

Overall, I'm not really close with other exes like I am with this ex and his gf (they live a lot closer to me, surely a factor), I don't really have bad blood between myself and other exes. It's been years and most of my relationships end pretty amicably overall, or at least with no big betrayals/upset so that we are both able to move on after a time and not be mad with each other. Most people I know seem to be really upset with their past partners but that's something I can't really relate to. There's only one past partner that I (in Eminem's words) "wouldn't p__s on the fire to put you out" but he's by far the exception. 

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In terms of my job, yes, it is definitely the most toxic place I've had the chance to work in. I am friends with a few coworkers who are very much not part of the drama (and to be far, I'm not really either) but it's a few bad apples and a bad boss who make it miserable for everyone. I've seen people rage-quit my job after less than 3 days of working there - I've seen this about 3 times now. 

My boss has been hauled into HR before by people. She talks about everyone behind their backs, including their confidential personnel issues. I don't have any issues in my personnel file but everyone knows about EVERYONE'S write-ups and dirty laundry because it gets leaked out everywhere by my boss. Sometimes, I have this odd fantasy of starting a COMPLETELY ridiculous rumor about myself by "confiding" in my boss that I'm receiving painful penicillin shots for a little bit because "I think my doctor said something about me having that weird illness that those crazy Roman emperors had, good thing it's treatable". 

Cue 2 days later and everyone would be talking about me having syphyllis. The stupid people that I hate would probably believe it (and look foolish to anyone who isn't drinking my boss' Kool Aid) and the ones I care about would just laugh it off. Again, it's just a fantasy but it's a funny thought.


I've never had to have a mediator during a talk with a coworker. I don't get into fights at work or anything like that. I generally get along with anyone. That said, having a witness (or like an umpire, as you said, beatlesfan) is paramount when you're dealing with coworkers who are known to lie. This particular coworker, I would never trust her. She will take what you say and she twists it beyond recogniition for two reasons: 1) she is unintelligent and lacks proper reading and listening comprehension skills and 2) she loves to start drama and make herself look better to others. 

Those who don't lie or stir the pot would not object to having a witness. Heck, I welcome it myself and prefer to have other people hear me when I talk to other people. Nothing lies up the possibility of lying and manipulation when more ears get to hear a conversation and that's why my coworker objected so strongly. Well, tough nuts. I won't talk to her in detail beyond surface-level, necessary sentences without a witness present. 

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Recently, I accepted a job offer starting in several months with my new license. It's a job I've wanted for a while - autonomous, great opportunities/benefits, good atmosphere, nice people, good work/life balance, < 40 hours per week, pay increase (6 figures), etc. 

I have worked so hard to get myself here and I'm almost there. I won't stop working hard and to be fair, I've been enjoying the fruits of my labor for a while now, but now I'm going to get even more. It's another big stem toward acheiving the single income, high-earning work life that is, simultaneously, also has a good work/life balance that I've always wanted for myself. It feels so good and I am relishing it. 

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That's great that you get along with your ex like that along with his gf and can do things together with no friction.  Can't say I've heard that from other people I know. 

I haven't tried the Oculus yet.  Looks pretty sweet from what I've seen advertised though.  I would rather play one of the workout games on that than walk a treadmill.  LOL!  That game that looks like you have a light saber or something similar and have to hack at and dodge objects coming at you.  Then isn't there a first person Star Wars game on there as well?  Where you can play as Vader?  Great to see I'm not the only one who is annoyed with upgrading PCs to play new games.  Yes, it's time consuming and another monetary investment.  GTA V sounds pretty good if you can do that all stuff.  When it goes on sale again I'll consider it. 

Yeah I'm with you on not wanting to touch game pieces with rising cases where you are.  Is there a sanction in place where you are where everything is closed and you can only do takeout or have stuff delivered?  If not, hopefully in the near future that gets lifted. 

Congrats on your recent job offer acceptance!  Great to hear about everything that is coming with it too.  Especially getting out of that hostile and toxic environment you talked about.  Don't they get that toxic environments hinder performance?  You should absolutely relish this moment after everything you have worked for.  Trust me, it's a great feeling having your own place along with a single income where you can have a great work/life balance.  Kills me to hear when people have to work multiple jobs just to have a place to live. 

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Some of my friends got really weirded out when they would find out that I was hanging out with my ex and his gf. I didn't think it was a big deal at all. One of my friends told me "when you start dating again, that's a huge red flag!!" Is it though? Heck, I would invite the theoretical partner to games with the 3 of us. While I have hung out one-on-one with him (usually it's because she has an important work project at home and they basically live together and she needed some space/quiet to finish so he would come by and guess what, just more games), it's usually the 3 of us. I have a guest room getting set up in my new house and I plan to have them over for an extended evening and they are planning to sleep over in that room, sharing the bed. The 3 of us bought tickets for an event in autumn we are going to together.

I know it may not be the norm but I honestly am glad that I was able to, over time, transition to a good friendship with my ex and also gain a new friend in his new gf. He and I just weren't right for each other and I am happy for him.


I know what you are talking about, with the "light saber" game. Beat Saber, I think? You move/slash things to the beat of the music playing. I've played that on PS4 I think but not in Oculus. I want an Oculus for sure and I have plenty of space to use it! Looks like a TON of fun. Highly recommend GTA V. You should see it on sale occasionally now, I've seen it. For the longest time, it NEVER went on sale. I also really recommend Hitman, if you like stealth. I looove stealth. 

No, no sanctions or restrictions where I am living. Everyone and their mother is out running around in public indoor places without a mask. I personally wear a mask. Case numbers are going up but everyone is ignoring this, seemingly. It just isn't a good idea right now to play board games with people I don't know. *sigh* I guess I'll have to wait even more.

I have worked hard, absolutely, but I also recognize that I am extraordinarily lucky in the life that I was born to and the choices that were made for me that have solidified my ability to succeed. I will never NOT be grateful for that. 

I am so happy I can do so much with a single income, mine alone. I do think I will do some per diem, WFH type things on the side to bring in additional income. All using my degree/license, of course. This is all in the future. 

Bright days ahead! 

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I am at a loss, how do I "get used to" having a regular schedule? M-F, about 6-8 hours per day, daytime hours only?

I've NEVER, EVER worked this schedule in my entire, working adult life. I know that sounds insane but I've only worked in healthcare, as most of you know. I worked nights for many years (yuck), then I did swing shifts (days AND nights, double YUCK), etc. Now I only work day shift but I work only a few days a week, long shifts. So I get 3-4 days off a week, usually 4. I work most weekends.

Now I'm going to working 5 days a week in the near future and I just don't know how I am going to cope. How do you get used to it? Do you ever get used to it? 

I never liked to do stuff on the weekends (shopping, bars, etc.) because too many people. I always fancied myself as smart because I have tended to do things when other people don't do them. Shopping during weekday late mornings, working slightly odd hours (evenings/weekends for me), going to restaurants/pubs during weekdays, etc. Now I'm going to be working the same hours as everyone else. 😞 

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Only thing I can say is it's just like anything else in life.  It's hard at first, but the more you do it over time your body and mind will adjust.  I've gone through many different working schedules throughout my life.  Hours, distance, working holiday retail hours, receiving 4 AM morning deliveries and stocking stores, working 'bankers hours', you name it. 

With regards to doing things like going to restaurants or pubs on weekdays, are you going with a group of people or solo?  I'm thinking with a group as I've gone to sports bars around here and still feel alone even though I'm solo and around a lot of people.  Just gets miserable.  Then I do my shopping on the weekdays after the sun starts going down.  Don't like going into stores on the weekends if I can help it.  Especially warehouse places like Costco.

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I suppose I'll just have to get used to it. What has been your preferred work schedule? 

I usually don't go to restaurants by myself - I will go with a friend (one-on-one) or a family member or two. I don't really have a friend group. When I bought my house, I moved further away from my local friends, no one has been to my house yet. If it's nice out, I'll go to a pub alone and sit outside to look out on the water, read my e-book, or listen to live music in the background if it's there. I don't remember the last time I went to a bar/pub on a weekend but it's probably something I will avoid doing. Maybe keep to weekday evenings? It's not like I have to be up REALLY early.

Like you, I'm not into going to Costco during the weekends. It's a mad house. 

I'm getting 5-6 weeks of vacation a year too so I intend on using that. Maybe do some traveling once I get some things paid off. 

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3 hours ago, Fudgie said:

I suppose I'll just have to get used to it. What has been your preferred work schedule? 

I usually don't go to restaurants by myself - I will go with a friend (one-on-one) or a family member or two. I don't really have a friend group. When I bought my house, I moved further away from my local friends, no one has been to my house yet. If it's nice out, I'll go to a pub alone and sit outside to look out on the water, read my e-book, or listen to live music in the background if it's there. I don't remember the last time I went to a bar/pub on a weekend but it's probably something I will avoid doing. Maybe keep to weekday evenings? It's not like I have to be up REALLY early.

Like you, I'm not into going to Costco during the weekends. It's a mad house. 

I'm getting 5-6 weeks of vacation a year too so I intend on using that. Maybe do some traveling once I get some things paid off. 

Hey Fudgie!


I was exactly the same way! I worked night jobs for many years. When I was in college I worked in a cocktail bar and another night club. That started at 7pm and I would finish at 2:30am. Then go to college at 9am the next day! 

I worked in a strip club from being 19 to almost 22. It was a short-ish night, started 9pm and finished 3am, sometimes 4am depending what club you worked at that night. It took me awhile to adjust. I have never, ever been a morning person. I ended up using coffee as a major crutch.


I haven’t worked for about 6 years now, little lady of leisure that I am 🥲 I now often think the same thing about working ANY days! Your perspective is always shifting I guess.


You’ll get there! Why the change in hours? 

(And PS I am exactly the same. I really don’t like weekends actually. I even dread them sometimes. The overriding “forced fun” of it all, like, you just HAVE to be having the BEST TIME! It’s like summer. Everyone is expected to be happy in the summer. I dislike the summer! I prefer, not so busy too. And I enjoy going solo on plenty of things as well! I getcha Fudgie!) 


You could go out late and do something alone! I used to take night drives cruising till about 1am, 2am. Because I’m like that, I still can’t get being up late out of my system. I am just a night owl. I get a massive second wind starting 10pm; not sure if you’re the same? Masses of energy right up until about 3am, 4am. Then I get so tired. If I had my way I would sleep till 10am. That would be my natural schedule).


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I am going to start a new job soon. Completely different role, still in healthcare, but I've been training/getting more education for this for a long time. Comes with a significant pay boost (actually, almost double my last salary overall) and I'll be working day shift only, no weekends. 

Not working sometimes sounds nice! But I am not very domestic so I think I'd enjoy it for a short while before I'd like "GAH GET ME OUT OF HERE". hehe! 

Like you, I'm a night owl too. There's something quite nice about staying up late. That's what I don't like about the weekends - I like doing things and being in places when everyone else is not there. On the weekends, it feels like there is a lot of pressure to cram all this stuff into 2 days and wait, guess what, so is everyone else! I totally feel you on the "forced fun" of summer. I really enjoy summer but I enjoy the quieter aspects of it. My family has a massive, beautiful pool. In the summer, you can find me lounging on a floaty, alcoholic beverage (usually a hard seltzer) in my hand. It really takes me away! I guess with my new schedule, I'll be able to do this in the afternoon/evening when I get back from work, not just weekends, so that's a plus. 

I suppose I can actually stay up rather late, around 11pm or so, and still be able to get ~8 hours of sleep and more than enough time to get to work on top of it. 

The more I think about it, the more I think I may get used to the new schedule. Guess I just need to give myself a little time. 

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One thing I like about having a "regular" schedule is being able to meet up with friends. Other than the friends who worked where I worked and had the same overnight schedule, I couldn't see anyone. And when I visited friends or family they'd be ready for bed right when I was raring to go. And they'd want to go do something at 9 am, right when I was ready to go to sleep. And I had midweek days off when they all had to work. So with my M-F 7:30-4:00 schedule I can see everyone. And most of my friends got off the overnight schedule too.

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I’m old fashioned so I would have to say 8 to 4 or 9 to 5. That way I have my evening if I want to do anything. Everyone else I know here also works those types of hours.

Back when I was in college and working in retail doing evening shifts, those were the days where I would stay up late gaming or late night dining with friends. 

I feel the same way about weekends too.  Where I feel like I’m missing out on something if I don’t have any fun plans with anyone.  Something must be wrong with me if I don’t have a social life over the weekend.  The summer part doesn’t bother me anymore.


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Thanks for the reassurance, guys. I think I'll get adjusted in time. My schedule will be 8:30-4, although I will likely be leaving a little earlier than that. I am not paid by the hour, I am salaried, so as long as the job gets done, I'm good (appointment based).

One thing that is nice about having weekends off is that I can hunt with my family again. That's something I'm really looking forward to. 5-6 weeks vacation per year is nice too.

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