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Everything loan-wise was finalized. I'm in the homestretch - nothing for me to do now. I just have to wait for the lawyer to take care of title stuff and then I'll get a date to move in. I am SO excited. I can't believe I am going to be a homeowner. This is happening quicker than I anticipated but I honestly can't imagine a better place right now - out of the city, more in the country, quiet area, old house from the 1800s, recent renovations, awesome price, I got really lucky.

In other news, work continues to be hell but what else is new? I hold home that we will peak here in about 2-3 weeks, maybe a bit less, and then life can calm down a bit. Almost everyone I know is getting sick. It's terrible. 

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12 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Everything loan-wise was finalized. I'm in the homestretch - nothing for me to do now. I just have to wait for the lawyer to take care of title stuff and then I'll get a date to move in. I am SO excited. I can't believe I am going to be a homeowner. This is happening quicker than I anticipated but I honestly can't imagine a better place right now - out of the city, more in the country, quiet area, old house from the 1800s, recent renovations, awesome price, I got really lucky.

In other news, work continues to be hell but what else is new? I hold home that we will peak here in about 2-3 weeks, maybe a bit less, and then life can calm down a bit. Almost everyone I know is getting sick. It's terrible. 

Congrats on the home purchase!

I was wondering this morning if there's anyone left who either hasn't had Covid or who doesn't know anyone who has had it. Most of my extended family has had it. 

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I know a few people but that number is dwindling down and quickly too. 

God, I hit the jackpot with this place. I can't believe it sometimes. It's not that it's too good to be true but that I was able to pay a FAIR price. I guess that's the key: look for houses around the holidays. Fewer people looking and who wants to move in the winter? Well, hell, I don't want to either but if it leads to paying at least 60-80k less, sign me up. I'm hiring movers anyway. 

Breakables (wall art in frames) and my electronics (consoles, etc.) and cat and cat-related accessories are the only things going in my car. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Life is going OK. About to close on the house. Feeling good about it all, just waiting on attorneys to finish their part and I'm set. 

My health has been not so great, lately. My weight has plateaued but I have been unable to exercise, working extra. Oh well, as soon as I start working out, it falls off again. My eating habits are poor right now in that my kitchen stuff is packed so I'm basically living off cold cuts (not the salty, cured kind), cheese, and some fruit. Blah. 

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I always feel like a child when I see other people's interior designs 😅

My design aesthetic is...well, I don't know how to describe it other than "eccentric museum curator".spacer.png

I have a rug similar to this, getting another one. Also goes well with some dark leather furniture I have.




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16 hours ago, Fudgie said:

I always feel like a child when I see other people's interior designs 😅

My design aesthetic is...well, I don't know how to describe it other than "eccentric museum curator".spacer.png

I have a rug similar to this, getting another one. Also goes well with some dark leather furniture I have.






You are country house medieval chic 😂

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Haha, that's totally me, lo. 🙂 I have so, so many pieces of artwork, some genuine replicas too, woodcuts too! I buy a lot of my art from an older artist that I've followed for years - I have 10+ pieces of his, woodcuts from different countries, mostly Germany, from 1500s-1600s. 

I have run out of space in my current place but I will have more than enough room in my new home - and I'll definitely fill that up too. 

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33 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Haha, that's totally me, lo. 🙂 I have so, so many pieces of artwork, some genuine replicas too, woodcuts too! I buy a lot of my art from an older artist that I've followed for years - I have 10+ pieces of his, woodcuts from different countries, mostly Germany, from 1500s-1600s. 

I have run out of space in my current place but I will have more than enough room in my new home - and I'll definitely fill that up too. 

I envy you. I have some nice pieces but they are packed away in boxes because I have no space in my 450 square foot studio apartment 🙁

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Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that, bolt. My current apartment is 700 Sq feet but I used to live in a 250-300 Sq foot studio with an ex for a while, so I do remember those days. 

Of course I'm sure you're in a more popular, resource-rich area. I'm going more rural but not desolate. I'm within pretty easy driving distance from a big city (in the top 50 US cities, not top 20 or 25) so I can't complain. Also near some water, lots of history, shops, etc. It's sort of overlooked, not that I'm complaining. 

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8 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that, bolt. My current apartment is 700 Sq feet but I used to live in a 250-300 Sq foot studio with an ex for a while, so I do remember those days. 

Of course I'm sure you're in a more popular, resource-rich area. I'm going more rural but not desolate. I'm within pretty easy driving distance from a big city (in the top 50 US cities, not top 20 or 25) so I can't complain. Also near some water, lots of history, shops, etc. It's sort of overlooked, not that I'm complaining. 

It sounds really nice, Fudgie. I'm happy for you. I love history. I'm sure you'll absolutely love living there. 

I live in a terrific neighborhood with lots to do. I think this place was meant to be just for sleeping and showering lol!  A couple of tenants are living here with two children. Another apartment has four adults living in it. I can't imagine having one more person here, let alone two or three!

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I love history too. 😀 I've grown up in an old house and now I am buying an old house. 1800s in fact. Can't wait to look up its history once I'm in there. Solid house!

I can't imagine fitting more than 1-2 people in such a place! 4 adults - what?! 

Luckily, there isn't much I have to do to the new house. I can't wait to get all settled. I can't believe I was lucky to stumble onto this. 

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I thought you might find it amusing to see what rentals go for in my neighborhood.  Disclaimer:  This is NOT typical, but the property is literally as they say "steps from the sand".  It's an amazing location so people pay a premium to live there.  I saw another 1 bed, 1 bath that goes for $1900 per month across the street and down a bit.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's just insane to me! 😳

My mortgage (including taxes/home insurance) is about $1k / month and I have almost double the space.

I guess it's true what they say: "location, location, location"

I am all moved into my new house. I'm officially a homeowner. Feels fantastic, I'm really happy. 

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I love my new house. Still getting things ready and such. It's been a struggle, had to ask for a few extensions on some achool assignments but luckily my professors are understanding and told me to take all the time I need. 

Hanging in there. Eager to get done with school. Thinking of taking some time off in the spring. 

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I keep meaning to and then life happens. Things have been going well for me, still busy as all hell. House is really coming together. I feel very cozy. I'm still in disbelief that I managed to buy a house, at times muttering "a m---f--ng house!" under my breath. It's so quiet here and in a smaller town, it is indeed safer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost done with school and I'm in the process of looking for jobs. I'm hoping to have something lined up (aka offer letter in hand) so that I can have something to start ASAP once I am licensed at the state level. I can't wait to leave my current workplace - my boss has definitely been making things more toxic there with her weird, emotion-laden group texts to EVERYONE, her inconsistent, contradictory statements, her backstabbing and spreading of personal business. Not mine, of course, I wouldn't tell her anything unless I actually WANTED that information shared on a megaphone. But it's pretty sick to have her come up and be gossiping about everyone and anyone and to know that she's probably doing it to me behind my back as well.

In better news, I finally am getting my proper bed all set up. Guess who is getting a massive (king size) bed to herself? Yeah, this lady. 


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2 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Sounds like things are going well for you!

They really are. I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. 

Despite everything and the chaos in the world, I've been feeling really good and I'm in a great place in my life. About to finish my graduate degree (it may not be my last, we will see!), new homeowner, weight loss...it's really coming together for me. 

What's going on in the world is upsetting and I do listen to the news (via radio/podcast mostly, not TV) everyday but at the end of the day, I decided I need to focus on my own life and making myself happy so that's what I'm doing. 

I think other people can tell I'm in a good place because for the first time in, well, I don't know how long, I had 2 different male strangers recently, about my age and not bad looking, cold-approach me in public (stores, I was doing errands both times), make conversation, and then ask me for my number. I politely declined, stating that I had a boyfriend (which isn't true, I'm single but I'm not looking) but I complimented them for taking the chance and approaching me. I said something along the lines of: it takes real guts to cold approach a woman and while I can't reciprocate, I do appreciate the gesture. 

I didn't want to embarass them or turn it into a bad experience, you know? I mean really, it does take guts. 

I won't lie, I'm getting the urge to find a casual sex partner/FWB. Not dating, sex only. I know I've said that I wouldn't consider it but I'm thinking with the right person/setup, it could be good for me. I said that during a time that I didn't think I was going to forgo dating but here we are. I'm going to be hitting my sexual peak soon (apparently) and I want to take advantage and make myself feel good. 


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On 3/22/2022 at 6:13 PM, Fudgie said:

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I keep meaning to and then life happens. Things have been going well for me, still busy as all hell. House is really coming together. I feel very cozy. I'm still in disbelief that I managed to buy a house, at times muttering "a m---f--ng house!" under my breath. It's so quiet here and in a smaller town, it is indeed safer.

Great to hear that everything is falling into place. That’s a huge accomplishment and one of the biggest investments of your life. 

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19 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Yeah it's remarkable! I've already made some big changes to my house that will definitely increase value (new HVAC - furnace, A/C, fiber internet connection, etc.) I do see myself staying for the forseeable future.

Yes it sounds like you’ve definitely given it a new lease on life. What had to be done on the inside for the fiber Internet connection if anything?

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The fiber company hadn't yet come to my street yet (lack of demand? I don't know) but they were on an adjacent street. I kind of pestered the company to get a line/box out to my place and was willing to pre-sign a multi-year contract. The alternative is the local cable monopoly company, which is notoriously expensive and unreliable, so that's why I pushed so hard. I started pushing for it before I officially closed, knowing that they wouldn't need to access the property until later.

I had to wait a long time (months) but it was finally done. I was willing to pay for installation costs that went over/beyond too, but I didn't end up having to do it. I have a box installed on the outside of my house now and had the install guy drill a hole for me, leave tons of wire, and I took care of the rest. I ran the wire to a more "central" area of the house and secured the wire along the walls the whole way so the actual fiber terminal is in a good place. 

I've done a number of smaller projects by myself recently, namely: creating my own "hardwired" doorbell setup with 24v transformer, rewired a new thermostat with a c-wire workaround, bought and installed a new dishwasher and then rerouted the original draining pipe, replaced/modified sink plumbing to accomodate "modern" litter box (no scoop), installed most of my bathroom fixures (shelving, vanity cabinets), etc.

I have a bunch of things that I am getting to, all in time.


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