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Do Job Interview or Don’t ?

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I somehow accidentally applied to a job that isn’t a remote job. I’ve been looking for remote jobs OR part time jobs that I would physically go to. The reason for this is that I feel it would be easier on me with any covid fears I might have... If I go to a job physically for part time work then I feel a little better about that instead of being at a job full time among people. 

I’ve been home for the last year but I do venture out to some restaurants and do some things lol. But I haven’t been at a full time job in over a year now. My background is really just waitressing. 

Well, this job that I accidentally applied to has actually contacted me to do a phone interview. I don’t know if I would want this job…considering that my desire is for remote work or otherwise part time work if I have to go physically to a job.

I can’t decide what to do because of some reasons:

a) if i go through the interview process, it would be nice to gain the experience with being interviewed as I have not done many interviews in my life and my background is very limited to waitressing. 

b) on the other hand if I do the interview process and actually get the job….. I feel I’d have a very hard time turning it down because the salary is great and has all the health and 401k benefits so I would most likely take the job even though I would rather have a remote job or a part time job…

So I don’t know if I should just not even do the interview so I don’t end up putting myself in that type of position…. 

Or if I should do it. I must admit that I sometimes worry that I’ll have trouble getting a decent paying job in the future because my past experience is mainly in waitressing.

I know this is an odd thing to ask because I guess someone might say to do the interview for the experience and then turn it down if I actually get offered the job and don’t end up wanting to do it. But for me it would be extremely difficult to decline because it’s a tempting salary and benefits so if I do the phone interview, to me it feels like I’m committing to this full on and can’t back out whatever happens. If the reality of actually being chosen for the job happened, I would feel like there’s no way I could turn it down whereas right now, I can turn down the phone call and feel less regretful about it because I can talk myself into the idea that they probably wouldn’t have chosen me anyway. I hope that makes sense. 

I know you all can’t help me make this decision cause I have to make it on my own but I’d love opinions and insight.

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Are you immunocompromised? Are you vaccinated?

You should also speak with your doctor about any specific health concerns you have related to covid. Talk with your doctor about your anxiety surrounding going back to work in an office or what your fears are exactly. 

Let's be straight here - most people are afraid. But there is work that needs to be done. 

Do your best with the phone interview but know that it may not amount to anything so your fears are only increasing your blood pressure and causing you undue worry. Take it in stride and see where it goes. You'll have to weigh your priorities also and whether you can afford to go without work (and for how long) if you find that stress/anxiety or other health complications are rendering you unable to go into work physically or limiting your job prospects. Do you have family to support you?



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I understand as I have severe Covid anxiety. I too would not feel comfortable in a crowded environment where there are little to no safety protocols. That's why I quit my high paying management position.

It's perfectly fine to ask about Covid protocols. Although keep in mind, ALL businesses claim they are safe, but you can ask them to be specific regarding mask wearing, protocols for the unvaccinated, etc. during the phone screen. If the answers don't make you feel comfortable there's no need to proceed further.

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I agree with the others.  Please though do not do the interview just for practice.  I interview people and take my time to prepare and attend.  Please do not waste someone's time if you know you're not going to take that.  Get that kind of practice by seeking out people willing to do mock or informational interviews with you.  

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On 11/8/2021 at 10:40 PM, boozybunny83 said:

I know this is an odd thing to ask because I guess someone might say to do the interview for the experience and then turn it down if I actually get offered the job and don’t end up wanting to do it. But for me it would be extremely difficult to decline because it’s a tempting salary and benefits so if I do the phone interview, to me it feels like I’m committing to this full on and can’t back out whatever happens. If the reality of actually being chosen for the job happened, I would feel like there’s no way I could turn it down whereas right now, I can turn down the phone call and feel less regretful about it because I can talk myself into the idea that they probably wouldn’t have chosen me anyway. I hope that makes sense. 

No job offer is obligatory. If they offer you the job, take some time to think about it, and decline if you feel that it's not a good fit. You should be able to do this. What I mean is, lose the wishy-washy "I won't be able to turn it down" silly nonsense. That mentality should be eliminated from your psyche and that phrase should be eliminated from your vocabulary. You are not a discarded plastic bag that's blowing around in the wind. Lightning is not going to strike you down if you decline a job offer. You're a grown woman with capabilities. Take some control of your own life. 

As for using this opportunity as practice: I think it's actually a healthy attitude to have. Searching for a job is a process. Every job interview, just like every date, isn't going to be 'The One,' so don't mindlessly jump into bed with the first offer. Ideally, you will line up a number of interviews and remain impartial and unattached as you are interviewing. Remember, you should be interviewing and evaluating the person who is interviewing you. You won't be able to do that if you've already committed to them ahead of time.

It's very useful to go into it realizing that this is most likely going to be a marathon, and that each successive interview will be instructive. I've learned a ton about interviewing and job searching in the last 3.5 years. It's quite a rewarding experience if you go into it with the right mindset.

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I would not interview anywhere where I knew for sure I’d never take the job. It’s inappropriate and wasting people’s time. There are legitimate ways to get practice. Certainly if you think there’s a chance of interest then of course interview. I spend time prepping for an individual or group interview - at least a total of an hour if the interview is really short because we also have to do follow up etc. 


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On 11/8/2021 at 10:40 PM, boozybunny83 said:

must admit that I sometimes worry that I’ll have trouble getting a decent paying job in the future because my past experience is mainly in waitressing.

She's not sure, though. She has some interest because she has (rightly so) identified her own lack of experience and limited future prospects.

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