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Younger Men Do It Best!

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My partner and I are in an age-gap relationship of sorts (4 years isn't that much, all things considered) - we are at the same stage in life, have the same values, care about the same things, love our families the same, prioritise our children, want a drama-free zone, are working together on a passion project with our dream boss, have made lots of friends on our journey, have learnt (and taught!) some lessons, have let some friends go but it finally looks like we all are on the same page 🙂 .

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How nice for you!  I don't think it has anything to do with him being a younger man though.  I'm glad you and he decided to be exclusive as you posted in your other thread and it's interesting -I don't think of myself as a "part of a couple" -we're two individuals who are married and share our lives together and with our son.  But we're not parts of a whole.  We're whole on our own . We don't really focus on "drama free zones" or "passion projects" or actually any kind of labels or trendy stuff but I think it's great when you click with someone and have common values and goals, whatever they are.  I have to get my son ready for school every morning and to the bus on time.  It's rarely been drama free that's for sure lol.  But it's ok!  Enjoy your new relationship!

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19 hours ago, Batya33 said:

But we're not parts of a whole.

Thank you all for the positive vibes 🙂 .

I kind of disagree with the above, though. I took me a while to figure it out (I too used to believe we as individuals are parts of a whole), but now, in hindsight, I see the 5 of us as a whole. A family. A unit supporting each other through thick and thin, whatever the weather.

18 hours ago, Capricorn3 said:

I would hardly call 4 years an age gap.

It isn't, but sometimes it feels like it 😅. But hey, age is just a number, right 😉 .

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4 years really isn't a gap, IMO, once you are both ~23 or so. What are your approx. ages, BTW? I am just curious. Personally, I don't consider it an age gap unless the age difference is +/- 10 years. Then again, everyone is different in their comfort zone. I have friends who won't date guys who are 3+ years older whereas for me, I've primarily dated older guys (age gaps ranging from 10 years to 39 years) and I guess I don't really have a limit other than I maybe, probably I won't date someone older than my dad again. Maybe. Everyone is different in their tolerance level.

Anyway, enough of that. Sounds like things are going well for you!

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