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Should I leave this relationship


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So me and this girl were dating around 5 years ago, she seemed to like me a lot. I knew that someone else was interested in her but convinced myself that she wouldn't be interested in that guy as she seemed happy with me. About 4 months in to the relationship, one of my friends found out that she was engaged to him. I confronted her but she said no, although my gut feeling knew that she was lying so I stopped talking to her, she did keep messaging me afterwards but I kept ignoring her. A few months later I found out she got married, by then I had completely deleted her off everything. That was 5 years ago, she had a divorce around about 18 months after that. We got back in touch last year and are back together and things were good at first, but I am kind of having regrets about it now as we have been arguing a lot lately. It sometimes feels as though she wants me to chase her even though I do a lot for her already, and I have also found out that she's had quite a few boyfriends since her divorce which also makes me uncomfortable. I think she likes it when guys pine for her but I've always been the type to never chase people, sometimes I feel like she ignores me for a day or two to see if I'd chase her but I also don't like that she seems quite friendly with other guys. I know I should start to let go as this relationship feels unhealthy but I feel too attached to her, advice on what I should do would be helpful. Thank you

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I am so confused.  

This woman lied about being engaged, and was cheating on her fiancé.   What made her such a prize in your eyes?  Do you usually seek  drama and women you cannot trust?   Do you find this exciting?

You don't like yourself much, do you?

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Yeah... you went and accepted a woman back, whom you were short-term involved with- and who was cheating on her fiance with you?

Then take her back..again, a few yrs later, after her kinda short-term marriage.. I wonder why that happened..?

Think on all of this.

She is not someone worth worrying over.  Look at her track record 😕 

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