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Feeling Love Sick for my ex

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Hello everyone,


How do I get over this love sick feeling that I have for my ex?


I should be feeling anger because she left me, but I don't. She never cheated on me and she even said that when she is ready to love again I am her first choice. She has repeatedly said through this divorce that I was a great husband and friend.


Today - I felt totally compelled to see my soon to be ex-wife and I gave her three red roses. If I didn't I would have gone on through life feeling regret for not doing all that I could to show her how much I love her. You see I never buy flowers and she knew this so she was shocked!


Background - my wife is 22 years old and left me to "create herself". We got married when she was just 19 and I was everything to her - first boyfriend, crush, infactuation, love, husband, virginity, etc. We were married for 3 years but I knew her since she was 16.


We agreed to remain friends but I want more than that. I am determined now NOT to contact her and just wait for her. But my heart longs for my precious wife.


But how do I get over her?

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well, she is still your wife, and there is no reason for you TO get over her. Marriage isnt something that we just step in and out of like a pair of pajamas each nite. ITs suppose to be a lifetime commitment, but some ppl dont have much respect for the institution of marriage, using excuses to get out of it, when they really need to just deal with their concerns.


I dont know the full detais of your marital situation, but from the sounds of it, this might be a good time 4 u, if not you and her...to attend some sort of counselling. We all want to "find" ourselves at some point in our lives, but when married, we can still find it, just a matter of adapting to a married lifestyle while we do so...


its sad to think of all the great possibilities in a marriage, and ppl like urself isnt going to make it because ur giving up so easy on love. Its only been 3 years, and this is practically the most trying times during that 3rd or 4th year....if you guys cant tough this out, as you settle into ur marriage, it will wind up in divorce. Theres nothing out ther in the streets, but men that will dogg her out, drugs, AIDS, and she really has got it good...



good luck tho...


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i envy your soon to be ex-wife bec. she had you, well i don't know what happen to the two of you during your 3 years of marriage, but i hope that you would still hold on to her, we are all human beings and its normal for us to sometimes feel that we need space....have you talked to her heart to heart? were you able to go through with the details?

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