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I'm lonely

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I feel lonely.

I just really want to let it out.

Been feeling under the weather for quite a while now, even before the year started. I am 33 years old and I've been living alone for a good 4 years.

Been single for a length of time. As an introvert I love the freedom of living alone, but lately, I get so tired easily all the time (even after getting a deep long hours of sleep). 

I've been doing retail therapy, art, music, movies and food and it frustrates me how at the end of the day I'd feel the same. (But as of the moment I ordered a mediterranean dessert to this social media platform just so I would look forward to something tomorrow). These stuff use to work for me. But now, it just make me feel ugly and irrelevant.

I really don't have anything to look forward to. I feel old and unaccomplished. Even resting becomes too exhausting. I often wake up confused of the date and time.

I guess I just have to let it pass by. I just have to feel lonely. I mean it's not like I'd die or something (I guess this is what I'd be hearing if I talk to my friends/family).  It's just a sucky nauseating stomach wrenching sort of feeling.

I feel lonely and it sucks.

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Do you keep in touch with friends and family digitally? Ie. calls or video chats or messaging? It helps to also have something to work towards. Are you interested in going back to school or doing distance/online courses or upgrading any skills? 

Have you seen a doctor about your health or gone for any regular check ups lately? 

Why not pick up a new hobby that's a bit more creative or requires you to think in a different way? 

Just suggestions! 😊

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You sound like you may be clinically depressed.

I started suffering from severe anxiety and depression last summer.  I consulted a doctor and started on medication and talk therapy.  I also got a physical and see a psychiatrist for the meds.  It's helped me tremendously.  This is what I'd recommend; no need for you to continue to suffer alone.

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1 hour ago, snowpeachdoll said:

I love the freedom of living alone, but lately, I get so tired easily all the time (even after getting a deep long hours of sleep). 

Is the tiredness tied in somehow with the living alone? If you had a partner/companion would you be less tired?One doesn't have to be an introvert to enjoy alone time, btw.

I think this wretched Covid situation is getting to us all. So many people are reporting the same tiredness and lethargy you are describing. These are unnatural times.

1 hour ago, snowpeachdoll said:

I really don't have anything to look forward to. I feel old and unaccomplished.

Heavens, 33 is so young! L. There is much you can yet accomplish once you make a plan.  I mean something specific that you may always have wanted to do but didn't.  Life doesn't run in a straight line, so opening a very different door can lead to so many opportunities, including at a personal level.


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Been through my own state of depression, isolation feelings. Some goals in life and therapy really helps, try that. Covid situation also sucks, i usually call my friends & sister or they call me once a week. Start with a walk around your place, if you see people/neighbors maybe, wish them say hi. Do that for few days see if it makes you feel better.Sometimes we need to push ourselves to get out of such situations else we need medication.

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33 years old as well. Sometimes I feel like my life should be more far ahead. But we are young still. 

Like others have said, maybe visit a doctor to talk about this to see if you are clinically depressed. You’ve done the hobbies and it seems to not be working.

I’m an introvert as well but sometimes you just want a friend or even a romantic partner. I know there’s websites where you can make girlfriends. I think I may try it out myself down the road. I haven’t had a real friend in a long time and it sucks.

Visiting a doctor may do the trick. 


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Thanks for all your suggestions.

I haven't consulted a professional yet. I'll try to find one this week.

I have lots of loving friends and I love them dearly. I also have a friend who's a neighbor. I enjoy talking to them but sometimes my introvert side kicks in and couldn't wait until I can be alone again (sorry if it sounds so confusing). I also have been in dating apps and it just disappoints me most of the time. Maybe I'm just not that attractive or appealing to the opposite sex. I met one once and I'm still friends with him until now but he seems not that interested in me (but it's cool). I think even if I get a romantic partner this feeling would still be here.

I've done everything but seeing a doctor so maybe that's what I need to do.

Sending love to everyone. and sorry for being such a downer

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