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I made a huge purchase.


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I bought a life-size Halloween prop online. It arrived today. It looks great—-in fact, almost TOO great. It honestly looks like a real person is in my bedroom. I do like it, just not in my room. I’m thinking I should just store it in the guest room next to mine, where I store my paintings. I’m afraid that if I do that, my parents will get mad and ask why I bought it in the first place. I decided I’ll say, “I love it, I just realized it was a bit too weird having it in my room. I’m going to put it outside in October.”


Any feedback appreciated. Thanks for reading. :) (If anything, I hope this forum gave you a break from the pandemic.)

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I bought a life-size Halloween prop online. It arrived today. It looks great—-in fact, almost TOO great. It honestly looks like a real person is in my bedroom. I do like it, just not in my room. I’m thinking I should just store it in the guest room next to mine, where I store my paintings. I’m afraid that if I do that, my parents will get mad and ask why I bought it in the first place. I decided I’ll say, “I love it, I just realized it was a bit too weird having it in my room. I’m going to put it outside in October.”


Any feedback appreciated. Thanks for reading. :) (If anything, I hope this forum gave you a break from the pandemic.)


Haha, if I could delete this forum I would. Dad and I love the prop. Again, I hope it gave you a chuckle.

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This isn’t my personal video. But it’s the prop I own. :) it is really cool.



Wow cool and creepy at the same time. Kind of see why you wouldn't want it in your room. Will be perfect come Halloween though. Reminds me a bit of something similar they had last year in stores at Home Depot of all places. My dog got totally freaked out by it until she realized it's not real. Her initial reaction was quite hilarious though - a dog version of w...t...h...am I high or hallucinating or both?

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Wow cool and creepy at the same time. Kind of see why you wouldn't want it in your room. Will be perfect come Halloween though. Reminds me a bit of something similar they had last year in stores at Home Depot of all places. My dog got totally freaked out by it until she realized it's not real. Her initial reaction was quite hilarious though - a dog version of w...t...h...am I high or hallucinating or both?

Lol nice! Also I might end up keeping it in my bedroom afterall. ;)

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My dog got totally freaked out by it until she realized it's not real. Her initial reaction was quite hilarious though - a dog version of w...t...h...am I high or hallucinating or both?


Ha. This reminds me of my cousin's dog's reaction to a dummy. It wasn't a Halloweeny thing, though.


My cousin is a martial artist and at one point had a freestanding workout dummy in his living room that looked like a big dude. It's called B.O.B. (if you google "Body Opponent Bag," you will see what they look like).


One day, I was over there and I started punching B.O.B. My cousin's dog actually got upset and started barking at me!


He wasn't terribly aggressive, but it was obvious that he didn't approve and didn't want my attack on B.O.B. to continue. As this dog was a large pitbull mix, I didn't push my luck.


Actually, I probably would have stopped even if he'd been a teacup poodle. Why upset the dog? B.O.B. was obviously real to him and an important member of their family.


Anyway, apparently nobody but my cousin and maybe some family members were allowed to hit B.O.B.


The pecking order was pretty clear. My cousin was obviously the leader of the pack. Then it was his family. Then it was the dog. Then it was B.O.B. Then it was me.

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Lol, hey everyone. I’m keeping it in my bedroom. It initially scared me, but now I view it as a decoration, which is what it is. ;). Not to mention my mom isn’t too found of it, she said either keep it in my room or put it in the cellar until Halloween.


lol.....too funny about your mom. It could be really cool as decor though as long as it's not talking. I can kind of see how it could work well. Pity that Halloween is so far away now.

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Lol, hey everyone. I’m keeping it in my bedroom. It initially scared me, but now I view it as a decoration, which is what it is. ;). Not to mention my mom isn’t too found of it, she said either keep it in my room or put it in the cellar until Halloween.


Yes I can see why she would react that way! We've had to change certain of our restrictions on what our son can have/do in his room given the quarrantine/stay at home orders.

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