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Please help me Im Really confused.

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I have a girl friend and I am crazy about her. I love her and would not even think about leaving her. I plan to meet her parents soon and things will go a step forward. Lately Shez been really upset that Im not attracted to her. And I know its not true cause i think she is absolutly beautiful. BUt i know what she is talkin about. I dont want to have sex anymore and when i do have it to keep her from feeling un attractive then i cant get an erection hard enough, Im 21 and have ABsolutly no such problems, I do have alot going on in life, things that got me stressed out ? what can i do ?i Dont want her to feel so down on her self.

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She may be asking for verbal intimacy more then you think. Even if it's not verbal, unexpected flowers and things to let her know how you feel and you are attracted to her will make her feel more beautiful.


As for sex and stress it definitely can get in a way. Some time off, exercise, eating healthy foods and just finding some time for yourself will sure help your sex life with her. Good luck

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Dear Ahmer,,


I would suggest taht you have to bring sparks in your relationship on that point girl really thinking alot and relationship has a REG FLAG.. so u better take care of your relationship as much as you can... you have to respect her feeling if she wants something more out from that relationship do it.. take her on vacation somewhere and lond drives make your self attractive and need to come up with changes,,,

SEX is really important but also emotional supports are the walls in your relationship.. tell her to keep everything open in relations.. try to communicate as much you can with her and make her comfortable to express her feelings to you.. dont just let her go.. show yourself that you r happy with her and she is really special in your life..


By the way where you from.. ?


Good Luck,,

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Have you told her what is wrong - the stress etc. and that it is not her? If not do so - and certainly ask for her help in getting the problem solved. Let her know you are going to the doctor (which you really should do), let her help you relieve the stress bu exercising together, walking etc. Enlist her on your side to solve the problem - that way you make it a problem you can solve together, rather than something wrong with her.

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Just so you know, I have no idea what I am talking about with my brain comment.



She's using the sex for the wrong reason. Your brain may know this and that's why it's not allowing you to fully go through with it. You will never make her feel beautiful. She has to discover the girl she left behind. The sex right now should be the least of your worries. It's her insecurities and how she copes with them.


She needs help. I just got a book called, Do you Think I'm Beautiful which really helped.


But if you try to help her on your own, it wil only collapse upon you.



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