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10 Months since my divorce...

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Hi there :-),


Its been a while, glad to see some familiar names popping up in the posts..


So how have things been with me...??? Well honestly, mixed, yes I know its been 10 months since she left me for another man and started a family with her affair partner while we were married... But.... life doesn't end there...


This battle is not over, there are days I win and days I loose, days I'm high as a kite, days I'm drowning in depression...


Soooooooooooo I have been applying for other work, bought my old vehicle back as a project, playing PS4, spend more time with more daughter even though it hurts to see my ex wife since she looks so damn gorgeous when I pick her up, limited contact with the ex, spend my free time at gym, so far lost a lot of weigh but increased my mass at the same time....


Believe it it or not, started communicating with my ex on a professional manner as I dont want my daughter seeing her mom and dad acting like Tom and Jerry at times...


So yea, only time will tell how this journey ends..... still a long way to go with my healing but I'm sure I'm getting there despite my downsides...

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You seem to be on the right path of healing. Just keep moving forward. The intermittent contact with the ex, while necessary, is likely the reason it seems to be dragging. That you are communicating with the ex on a decent level is a sign of progress and maturity.


Overall, it sounds like you will come out the other end a healthier person for going through this. And we will always be here should you fall and need a hand up.

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You are doing very well and are moving forward. That is all good news and you should be happy you have overcome some of the worst and it is behind you now.


You will find the good days are more and more and the bad ones are just a small blip here and there. It takes time to rebuild a life after this kind of betrayal but it is possible with work. She may seem like she got off easy but she didn't so just let everything you cannot control just leave you and focus on the things you do have control over. Your health, your attitude, your plans and most importantly your time spent with your daughter. When you are with her make sure you are all in, not just occupying the same space but actually totally tuned in and present.


It does get easier and actually fun. I bet you are already a much father now than you were a year ago. Make that your main focus and everything else will seem unimportant.



I am happy you are doing well



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So yea, only time will tell how this journey ends..... still a long way to go with my healing but I'm sure I'm getting there despite my downsides...


Well given the effort you are putting in to healing, the journey can only get easier as time goes on... It's been 3 years post split for myself and my ex and while I am still working through some of the resentments, I am free of the sadness and grief that came with the end of the relationship. Time really does heal wounds. :)

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Sounds like you are doing wonderful . When someone can write a post full of positives ..it speaks volumes .


I am free of everything because it has been a long time ....but something maew said resonated with me in the earlier days/years ...


I am still working through some of the resentments, I am free of the sadness and grief that came with the end of the relationship


It was the resentments and anger that lasted the longest for me , especially as he found me on here , then dropped me all over again ....but even that goes in the end .


Well done buddy and a very merry christmas to you x

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Thank you all for the kind words and responses, so far the resentment and anger is still part of me so i have to work through them.... gym has been the most effective way with dealing with negative energy, this way i can socialize and meet new people and train with my friends from high school...


My daughter is my biggest inspiration of my life, I dont want her growing up with out her biological father present, sorry I'm not a fan of the OM and neither will I be his friend since I do not respect a man like that...... from what I have been told, her family doesn't even like this guy.. A good friend who went through the same thing told me is that when there is father absent, the woman tend to go for an older man that acts like a father figure, looking after her, providing for her etc basically his a "daddy" to her, which makes sense now...


Compliments have been rolling out hard, confidence is slowly been restoring, even my ex wife's family says I'm looking good, guess they kinda miss me...


Looking online now for muscle supplements, goal is to get a six pack lol


Merry Christmas to all and happy new year! Wish everybody the best of luck on their journey!

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