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i need some male advice

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hey guys..... i was just wondering what do most man or guys go for?? is it looks and if so...what about the looks?? is it the personality?? if so what type of personality?? and also tell me what do guys hate the most?? or what should we do more of??


im really interested to know....its to help my friend...she's having some guy trouble and i thought y not get some advice from guys them selfs...


so if u guys dont mind write any thing u like or dont like.....



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Personality outweighs the looks, my man. And yes, smiling is very important. Take marolua's advice from his grandpa. He may be old and not up with the times (relationships today, I mean), but some things NEVER change. The thing you do not want to do is go all for looks and have no personality. That will not get you anywhere in a serious relationship!


Rule of thumb: BE YOURSELF.

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Initially, we're attracted to someone by seeing them. People can become more attractive or even less attractive to us after we talk to them. Humans in general like people who are positive, have good hygiene, are average looking or above, average intelligence or slightly below or above, and have high self-esteem. These are a few traits in general that people like about other people.


Both men and women are looking for the same thing - they want someone who makes them feel special, and who has whatever qualities they're looking for. I've even seen a bum who has a bum girlfriend. What do they have in common? Lifestyle. So, common ground also plays a major factor in what every human is looking for in someone else.

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Initially, we're attracted to someone by seeing them. People can become more attractive or even less attractive to us after we talk to them. Humans in general like people who are positive, have good hygiene, are average looking or above, average intelligence or slightly below or above, and have high self-esteem. These are a few traits in general that people like about other people.


Both men and women are looking for the same thing - they want someone who makes them feel special, and who has whatever qualities they're looking for. I've even seen a bum who has a bum girlfriend. What do they have in common? Lifestyle. So, common ground also plays a major factor in what every human is looking for in someone else.


I agree with this. And also that smiling is important - it shows interest, makes you look approachable and friendly and that you are probably not into playing 'hard to get' games.

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Well I don't know, there's a lot of guys out there and they don't like the same thing. Ummm, I like girls who are fun, but not ditsy, and they know when to be serious about things. Umm looks? Not sure. A common thing is usually like weight. Which most guys would want average weight. I don't know about the eyes and hair color.

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OK, let's see. Looks and how important. I write only in general terms.


Well, first of all, there is a minimum level for most men, below which they will not date seriously. They may talk to you, pick you up and have sex, but it's not serious. How do you know when you reach this level? You meet his friends and or family. A guy is unlikely to allow a woman below his standard to meet friends or family. Once she meets his minimums, then it is all about how she makes him feel.


What looks good on women? Well, each and every man has his own likes and dislikes, so even more generally than the above. Most men like:


Her face is not something that is easily quantifiable, but there are certain atractive features, relatively small noses, widely spaced eyes, high eyebrows, clear and smooth skin, relatively large lips, straight white teeth, a nice smile, high cheekbones, relatively large eye balls. But science also shows average is good. If you average out the features of any pool of women and draw a composite based on the average, the average will be most attractive than any of them real women. All this means, that if you have no unusual features, you look just fine.


Body? Well the measuring stick should be the ratio of her waist to her hips. If her waist is about 0.67 to 0.80. A woman with a 24 inch waist and 36 inch hips would have a ratio of 0.67 pretty much exactly. Same size hips with 29 inch waist would be just above 0.80.


Otherwise, preferences run all over the lot, but the commonly believed standards are not far off.


Different men like different things. How important looks are depends on the guy.


Edit: Chai raises a good point about matchign up. There are good reasons why we see people amtch up with similar things in body and style etc. When you are of a certain level of attractiveness, people expect you to attract the same or similar. So, a great looking woman is rarely seen with a short, ugly man, unless of course he has something else that attracts (i.e. $$$$) her. Don't shoot too high or too low.

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Different things are important to different people. You're not going to gain too much from generalizations.


It's better to focus on turn offs, than turn ons. Tastes vary, and guys can be attracted to a lot of different features... but distaste is very strong.


Ask guys what turns them off, and you'll be better off

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My grandpa told that the most important thing to gain a guys love is to smile to him. SMILE He is 75 years old, so I am trying to take his advice. May be it would be also be beneficial for your friend!

...he knows what he's talking about.


As far as i'm concerned, it's not remarkably important what guys like. Does she intend to change herself in accordance with the opinions of others? Someone said 'be yourself.' Yeah it sounds trite, but it's darn right. Don't disrepect yourself by changing to suit the needs of others. Even if you do change, and even if doing so woos a man, what exactly have you gained?

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