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When you don't get along with someone that everyone loves


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I don't want to list every detail because my post will be super long if I do, but long story short, a girl I work with (we are teachers) and have been friends with since we started working together is loved by everyone. She's pretty much Mrs. Popular. She gets voted for everything (sometimes I feel like I'm in high school). Anyways, we teach the same grade level and she requested for her daughter to be in my class. I was chosen to be team leader. She started acting strange after that and called me one night bashing my teaching and basically saying her daughter deserved better. She has been so rude and I swear it's like I know a different version of her than everyone else does. I don't know if it's jealousy or what but everyone loves her so I feel like the crazy one for no longer getting along with her.

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Well, her daughter said something to her about something you did and that's what triggered it. Did she take her daughter out of your class?


No, I asked the principal to have her removed from my class and the principal was on my side 100% because the stuff the mother was complaining about was ridiculous. Like she complained that I had the student aid hold another little girl’s hand and not her daughter’s. I mean, give me a break.

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I think you did the right thing by talking to the principal.


Some people are like that. They get jealous very easily and they will start to spew hate because, in their mind, you are “attacking” them by being better than them.


You can rest assured that if this is what is going on, this has either happened before (but maybe you just don’t know about it) and/or it will happen again.


My advice would be to try not to take it personally (it’s their character defect), keep away from her as much as possible, and take the high road. Stay as far away from her rage that you can and don’t engage.


Left to her own devices, she will either stop or expose herself as being crazy. The key, though, is not to engage or react. If you react too, it will become very confusing to all as to who is starting it.

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I don't know if it's jealousy or what but everyone loves her so I feel like the crazy one for no longer getting along with her.


Well, everyone else didn't end up with her child in their class. I'd skip the drama and be civil to her when your paths cross. Beyond that, don't say a word about her--to ANYone.

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My guess was she hoped for you to give her daughter the royal treatment and treat her little princess, like true princess. No worries, everyone else will eventually find out because that's how things work in the workplace.


Maybe she will do everyone a favor, as she will probably start blaming the school in general for her daughter's lack of special treatment and enroll her in a different school...which she should have in the first place.

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No worries, everyone else will eventually find out because that's how things work in the workplace.


This is the thing to keep in mind. The phrase 'killing the messenger' is one to heed for good reason. If you start badmouthing this person, you become the villain. Let the real villain hang herself in her own time, her own way, with enough people. I'd stay out of her business and keep my mouth shut and my hands clean.

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