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waiting for my ex or is it just sex???

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ok, here's a quick question? How long would you wait to get back together with your ex before giving up? I'm in a long distance relationship with my ex, we only see each other once a month, we broke up 3 months ago after living together for almost a year. Now I only see him once a month, we talk on the phone alot, but he won't get back together with me until I take care of some things that are bothering him. how long should I wait?

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ok, here's a quick question? How long would you wait to get back together with your ex before giving up? I'm in a long distance relationship with my ex, we only see each other once a month, we broke up 3 months ago after living together for almost a year. Now I only see him once a month, we talk on the phone alot, but he won't get back together with me until I take care of some things that are bothering him. how long should I wait?


Well, depends on what he wants you to fix (if there are serious issues that is one thing, character flaws I would say don't change FOR him as you need to change for yourself, and you should not change whom you are unless it is something truly that affects others in a negative way - ie bad temper).


What are the reasons for the breakup?


If you both have a plan to get back together though and talk about it often and he is making progress towards that as well, it is your choice to make.


I would set yourself a deadlne for once you are finished "changing" things that if he still hums and haws about it, you make choice to move on.

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this may sound really harsh but for me i wouldn't wait, if you keep on hoping that he will come back you'll waste some energy, fix the problem not for the reason of getting him back but for your own good, and talking to him will just prolong the healing process, i know you dont want this kind of answer but 3 months is still a fresh break up.


also i'm not saying go look for a new guy, just enjoy this new freedom.

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