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Feeling like a failure: from university to skilled trades.


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I think this is probably the key. College-educated women don't avoid certain job titles - they seek out people with a similar level of education. OP is educated. Job title shouldn't even be a factor here.


Sorry, I don't agree.


Most people do assume your level of education based on your job title. Most people would assume that most tradesmen do not have a PhD. I don't agree with making those assumptions, but the world doesn't just conform to the way I think or how I'd like the world to be. I agree that OP is educated, and therefore that shouldn't be a factor. I can see how saying you're a tradesman but you also are college educated would still shut some people out of dating you.


The idea that people don't discriminate (sometimes unfairly or ignorantly) when it comes to dating is dishonest. And people do discriminate on their perceptions of your social status or education level. A lot of people still buy into the idea that college is the be all and end all of life.


As I said, I think the OP should accept this as reality. Some people will not date him for a variety of reasons. There will be plenty of women who will date him. There's where his focus should lie.

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I really get where you are coming from, but the idea of suicide is wrong. I did a degree as a mature-aged student, but not so fancy as your course. I ended up going into a related field. But in low status. I saw my friends who were working in the field, and they were all on short contracts, struggling even more financially than I was. I'm of the understanding that few people in my course actually became hugely successful or financial in our field. There is a lot of politics in that. I ended up having a love/hate relationship with the faculty heads. I really loathe the corporatisation of the education sector. At first here, it was the universities, but due to complex politics and power, it's now spreading to the trades colleges, but not as bad.


My brother-in-law on the other hand doesn't even have a trade. He went into business with his father after achieving a perfect score in highschool. He is a millionaire several times over today. I know a man who completed studies as a biochemist several decades ago. Sent and worked for Monsanto and excised none of it was for him. He has done several varied occupations, and is also a millionaire. Sorry if that is slightly offtrack as I do appreciate that for a number of reasons, the present work a x economic climate makes it all much more difficult - but nearly always easier if you are a young and fit person.


You don't need the whole population of women to appfeciate your uniqueness. I bet you you meet one who is right for you, it shouldn't even be important. I don't presently have opportunities to earn good money. I think you should just go do what you enjoy, especially if it pays well and get on with your life. Xx

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