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How to bring up the "do you want kids" question without seeming too intense?


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This has become a problem because I've been meeting more guys in real life and just signed up for a speed-dating event. I mostly keep first and second dates light, but if a guy has his heart set on having kids someday I would just be wasting both of our time. Should I just wait until at least a third date? Feeling like I have to bring it up early kind of stresses me out.


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That's just an introduction. Wait until a real date to discuss this.


The whole point of speed meeting is to screen out bad matches, not obfuscate to go on real dates with someone who might BE a bad match.


I'd discuss questions that uncover every dealbreaker that I have or that he potentially has. If that ends up amounting to nothing more than and pleasant exchange over coffee, then that's one down, and who knows how many left to go before striking simpatico? Anyone's guess.

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