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Ex bf cheated on me once with ex, now slept with another ex while we were broken up


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My bf and I have been together for 1 yr and 5 months. After the first 4 moths he cheated on me with his previous gf. He says she looked for him but he decided to roll with the whole thing. He begged for me to take him back and we decided to try and make it work. I never truly got over the whole thing and I constantly threw the cheating in his face. I never suspected he cheated on me again since we had been back together. Recently, after 11 months of having been back together i caught him messaging another ex gf who he had an even longer relationship with (4 yrs on and off) i assumed automatically he was cheating and he didnt deny it at the time. He claims he truly didnt want to be together anymore because I wasnt healing from the cheating incident and our relationship was slowly going nowhere but he was having a hard time figuring out how to tell me. Now its been a month later and he came back crying saying he made a mistake and he doesnt want to be without me, he lied and said he didnt sleep with anyone. I spoke the ex gf and she claims he was begging to see her so she let him and they had sex. But, my ex bf is saying she wanted to get back with him and she wanted to move in with him ( she has a son from another man whom she cheated on him with) and live like a family. But he told her he was in love with me and he didnt want to be with anyone and that was the end of that.. she blocked me on social media which makes me believe she grew anger towards me because he didnt want to be with her because of me.. idk what to believe. It makes sense but at the same time im wondering why he went back to an ex a 2ns time.. he says it was familiar grounds..

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For heaven's sake, just cut off ALL contact and heal from this. He is a cheater, he will always be a cheater, it is irrelevant who asked what to do what -- he cheated. Stop seeing him, stop speaking to him and eventually, you will stop thinking about him. Block him everywhere, including all social media. He is a loser. And in future, don't take people back who cheat on you so easily and then hammer them with it -- either you forgive them or you don't. In fact, why don't you try and figure out why you were willing to continue a relationship with a guy who cheated on you and didn't do much to improve the relationship. Your life can be significantly better than it is now, just do it.

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He has already shown you who he is - a cheater. Cheaters are liars. Comes with the territory. I'd honestly believe the ex over a cheater any day here. Stop playing detective and contacting his ex's. That's crazy making behavior on your own part and you are doing it to yourself. Dump this lying cheating worthless garbage of an excuse of a guy. Stop trying to buy his bs. Block him on everything, refuse any and all contact, heal, move on. You deserve so much better than this kind of nonsense.

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I am sorry you are going through this but the sad fact is that some people will never change. You gave him a chance and he blew it. Move on with your life.

I can understand you wanting to believe people change. We always want to think the best of people. I too tried to forgive a cheat. She continued cheating. So I left her. It hurt and I didn’t want to do it but I needed to do it.

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Past behaviour is indication of future behaviour. You gave him a second chance and he cheated again. He has shown you who he is and what he is ok doing to you. Cheating and lying. You have your answer. You are making informed choices from now on.

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