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Ok My boyfriend and I just broke up a week ago, and I would call him so many times tryin to get him back...so i have a question.....if I stop calling him and show him that I moved on would he realize what he lost and come back to me.....what will it show it I prove im strong and that I can live without calling him? I loved this guy with all my heart and I still do, but should I show him that I can live without him, and just pray he'll come back to me? Because a person once told me if you play hard to get, it proves that you respect yourself and it will make the guy coming running to you...is that true??????

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If he still loves you.....he will come back....whether you chase him or play hard to get. Playing games is not the way to win back someone....and you already have broken up. Why did you guys break up to begin with? Whatever the reason was....that is what you would have to work on to get back together.

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Agggh.. I know it's painful... but if you keep calling him, he is going to lose his respect for you. It turns people off a lot if you harass them like that (I know, I've done it).


You shouldn't not call him just to get him back, but rather for your own healthy mind! I know it doesn't feel good, but sometimes relationships end for good reasons and you could think also about the things you don't like about him too, and the ways in which you are now freed up to do things maybe you haven't because of him... Think about the posistive. If it's meant to be, it'll happen, but as long as you chase him like that he likely will be turned off... unfortunately.

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I think that for your own sanity and peace of mind you should try not to call. I know it's difficult but there is nothing you can do to make him change his mind. Living your life and getting out, seeing people and being happy without him will all happen in time and trying to call and being ignored just makes the healing process longer and more difficult. Good luck

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I agree with the previous 3 posters. Yes, you should stop calling him, for your own sanity. People sometimes break up and there's nothing you can say or do to get them back. Remember, an ex is an ex for a reason! You just have to let it go. Sometimes, the ex realizes that they made a mistake and they come running back, but most of the time, it's over.


I think you should treat this relationship as over, and do your best on focusing on moving on. Good luck!

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Depends on what he's saying. If it's "I miss you, I want you back!" then there's your answer. But, if it's normal mundane stuff, it could just mean that he's lonely and wants to talk to someone, ie., anyone. That doesn't mean he wants to get back together though.

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If I were you, I wouldn't call just for the sake of moving on. First of all, if he's the one who wanted to 'break up', then let him go. I find this very interesting. When you don't call the ex's, they always find their way back. Not all ex's will call. And when they do, just be aware of the reasons why.


Some ex's can call, sweet talk the hell out of you, reminice on good ol' times, but do they mean it? Or all they all talk? What are their motives? (You get what I mean). How will you know what their intentions are? You will have to judge the reasons why things didn't work out in the first place. There has to be a legitimate reason as to why the relationship didn't last (i.e. young college students trying to maintin an L.D.R.-long dist. relationship). Any other reasons other than that, don't accept it.


Even if the ex(s) do call back, be like, "Your LOSS Mister! I'm NOT going through this heartache again!" Then throw them in the waste basket, because all of the heartache isn't worth your time! You will find better, trust me. If a guy truly loves you, sincerily, with all of his heart, there really shouldn't be a reason for him to break up with you. And if he gives you reasons, ask yourself, "Would I settle for being treated like I'm mediocre?"


You'll find someone who will best fit you, and when you do, you won't have to go through with what you're going through. Anyway, easier said than done, but this is based on my past experiences. Good Luck!

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