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My girlfriend dropped me for her ex a little over a month ago, and we continued to be friends until 10 days ago, when we decided not to talk because it was getting too hurtful for me to talk to her while she is with her new guy. She is 20 and I am 24. During that whole month, I was constantly stressed, moody, sleepless, wondering when I would talk to her next, what she was doing, knowing details that I didn't want to know, etc... Basically hurting myself by continuing to talk to her. But now that I know I will not talk to her for a while, or maybe NEVER again, I finally feel great regardless. I don't miss the fighting, control issues, and all the bs that comes along with it. I feel "free", I am working on my self-esteem and image, I know what I want in life, she does not. I am improving myself for me, not her, for the first time in 2 years. I don't want her back, which is a big change for me, I practically begged to have her back a month ago. I don't think about her every moment of the day like I used to. I feel like I am falling out of love with her. I am starting to accept and see that we are not compatible. I feel like I have alot to offer and moving on to better things. I can laugh and smile, life just feels good, like it did before I dated her. Oh yeah, I'm really enjoying listening to pissed off break up music like Alanis Morisette's "You oughta know" and Audioslave's "Free" (track #4). What is going on with me?? Is this just a false high that will wear off and I will go back down to being depressed? It has only been 10 days since I cut contact, but 1 month since we broke up. Do you think 2 months down the road, I will feel like *beep* again? Or is this the end of my hurting and beginning of the healing process? This is the first time this has happened to me, this girl was my first everything, I'm sure it has happened to others.



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I think you're much better now at it'll only get better. Cause if you do start to feel down again, just think about how you're feeling now and what made you feel the way you do now. You'll be unstopable.


Oh and I like Linkin Park - pissed off music with messages I'm sure a lot of us could relate to.

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I am in the same boat---my ex broke up with me and for the past two months I contacted him, begged him, etc. etc.

Then something odd happened about two weeks ago---it finally sunk it and asked "why am I putting my life on hold for this jerk?" I don't need to beg to no one, and neither should you.

My plan: I've decided to go on a two-month hiatus from him (absolutely no contact)---and focus on Me, Me, Me. I knew if I said no contact forever it wouldn't work, but two-months was doable.

It sounds very selfish, but I gave so much to him for so long. When I committed myself to this goal of self-improvement I have found that I'm a lot happier---and I feel like I'm on this "high". I want to do good, I want to be a better person.

I swing back to a low sometimes at night, but it's a far cry from where I was a couple weeks ago.

You will have some lows but stay focused on what you're doing now and move more toward that "high". It feels great! Remember, you should never let anyone make you feel down about yourself!

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