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Good first time Valentines Day gift for a boyfriend?!


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Any time a guy (or anyone) buys you dinner, you should consider and appreciate it as av gift.


We might just go to the movies and have drinks after. Not sure yet

Yea so even if he won't get me a valentines day gift I guess I should consider him paying for the evening as a gift..


Eventhough I would like a romantic gesture or flowers 🌷 but he's really not at all into that stuff...we'll see..


My ex was very romantic at our first Valentines with roses and everything but I found out that's not all that is needed to keep a relationship going ha.


Thanks everyone

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If you want flowers, you should say so. Guys don't read minds (neither do you obviously, otherwise you'd know exactly what he wants even when he doesn't).


Yes making food and buying dinner are absolutely gifts especially for a silly made up "holiday" like Valentine's Day.


My boyfriend and I agreed we'd go to a picnic as celebration. I bought a couple of little heart shaped chocolates from a place we both like for us to have. But I didn't expect anything from him. I wouldn't be upset or disappointed or feel awkward if he got me nothing. He did get me flowers and that's nice, I appreciated it. But wouldn't have been fussed if he got me nothing at all.


If you expect or want something, say something. Don't tell him afterwards that you would've liked flowers or whatever. He'll feel like he failed to please you. It's a no win situation. But if you're 100% ok with getting nothing in the form of a gift he can hand over to you (so not dinner), then that's fine, just go with it.

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I have been dating my boyfriend for 3months and a half and this is our first Valentines Day together.


He's not a very romantic type so I don't even know if he'll get me anything...


At only 3 months, a nice dinner is perfectly fine for Valentines. A card would suffice too (imo). If you feel you have to get him a gift .... well, all I can advise you is ...... think like a man .... beer, a good steak and some *wink wink* and he'll be a happy man.


OP, whatever you do, do NOT go into Valentines Day with high expectations of receiving gifts, flowers, chocolates etc because you can set yourself up for major disappointment ... given that you already know he is NOT very romantic. Go out to dinner (or whatever) and enjoy your date, and view anything else is a bonus.

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Thank you Notalady and Capricorn3..


I am not the type to ask for gifts or even flowers...it's fine if he doesn't get me any...I think men in general know that women like flowers without having to tell them...


We never talked about our expectations at valentines day...maybe we should have lol...


I agree I shouldn't go in it with big excpectations. I just want to have fun and everything good that comes will be welcome..


By the way Notalady I like the picnic idea


I will not at all be upset if he doesn't get me flowers..I'll just turn it into joke or not...if the evening is great that will be a great gift..


He didn't plan anything...so it shows me that Valentines day isn't something he likes to make a big deal out of..

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Thank you Notalady and Capricorn3..


I am not the type to ask for gifts or even flowers...it's fine if he doesn't get me any...I think men in general know that women like flowers without having to tell them...


We never talked about our expectations at valentines day...maybe we should have lol...


I agree I shouldn't go in it with big excpectations. I just want to have fun and everything good that comes will be welcome..


By the way Notalady I like the picnic idea


I will not at all be upset if he doesn't get me flowers..I'll just turn it into joke or not...if the evening is great that will be a great gift..


Glad you're not going in with expectations. I wouldn't even joke about it, when it's this early on in dating. Even a joke about it can make it seem like you were expecting it and didn't communicate about it. It can make it seem like he's done something wrong (live and learn etc), it can be frustrating for the other person, or appear like you're "one of those women" that expect guys to just know. People often mask disappointment and other negative comments in jokes, so no I wouldn't risk it being perceived that way.


Yea you should definitely communicate Valentine's Day expectations (or any expectations for that matter) before hand. It can be really casual, don't have to make a big deal out of if.

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Let him decide on what to do for V-day. It's the men's job to make it sweet. If he doesn't then he don't care. I would get him some chocolates he likes to eat but dont give them to him untill after he gives you your gift. If he doesn't get you anything then eat the chocolates yourself and dont tell him they were his. Hope he surprises you w/ something. This year im not getting anything. Im single after a 5 year toxic relationship. Good luck!

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We talked about it again..about the plans he said we'll see...so I don't know what that means after all I left it to him to make the plans on what we're doing.


I told him I will make him some small cakes and if he would like that he said yes. So I allready told him I'd make him something. But since we are going to go out and do something and he will pay for it it's fine whatever it is. He will probably pay for most of it because I always offer to pay at least half even though he is in a much better posititon financialy. I don't need a gift. We can eat the cakes together once we're out.


My ex was much more romantic on these kinds of occasions but I really don't need a romantic guy for one day and a toxic one for other days or other issues.


Be happy you aren't in a toxic relationship anymore, I've been there done that, there is nothing worse...better single untill you find the right compatible guy for you.


I was single for two years and a half before I started dating the boyfriend I am with now. Being single is good sometimes.

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