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Should I text this guy I met at a bar?


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I’m a college student who will be studying abroad this semester and I went back to my home school for the weekend to say bye to my friends before I leave in a couple weeks. On Friday night, we went out to a bar just off campus and I met this really cool guy there. We spent the whole night dancing together and talking and I had a really great time. By the end of the night we had exchanged numbers and kissed multiple times. The dancing was really fun – no bumping and grinding (which I’m not into) and the kisses were nice and not too much. He even took me home at the end of the night and at no point tried to get me in bed with him. So it really was a fun night, and even though I was a bit drunk and we met at a bar, this guy seems pretty great.


Next morning, I ran into him in the cafeteria. He was walking past my table then saw me, and stopped what he was doing to say hi and he seemed really happy to see me. I was really flustered and a little bit embarrassed because I wasn’t expecting to see him, so I just gave him a wave and said hi…I’m thinking that might have come off as a bit cold and made it seem like I didn’t remember him (I did have quite a few drinks that night and was clearly not sober, but I do remember the whole night and really enjoyed his company). He hasn’t reached out and texted me even though we have each other’s numbers, I’m guessing because he knows I’m only here for the weekend and then won’t be back until next semester. But I really did like this guy and would really love to go out with him again when I get back!


Would it be too much for me to send him a text today, saying I had a really great time with him this weekend and hope to see him around campus when I’m back next semester? I just want him to at least know I do remember him and really enjoyed going out with him so it’s not awkward when I see him again next semester, and maybe then if we both like each other we could hang out again.

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You can text him but expecting a ldr or making plans for next semester is a bit too far in the future. At best it may be a nice send off drink or hookup.

we went out to a bar just off campus and I met this really cool guy there. He hasn’t reached out and texted me even though we have each other’s numbers.
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I think you could set up a date before you leave. It may have potential. But leave your options open because then you leave yourself wide open to date while abroad.


Then when you get back, and your single and he's single you can re-kindle. But I think trying to have a LDR will ruin your experience overseas.

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