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What would you do?


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I had my old iPod(the 4th generation) up on Craigslist. It is from 2011, so it is not new. I took pictures of it on like how it looks and off how it looks when it isn't on. Everything works, I reset all of my information off of it I told the people I sold it to, they need to hook up into their computer thru iTunes as I had reset it. Guess how much I sold it for? Only $25 as I needed the money to buy a few gifts... The person keeps emailing me saying "I need my money back." What would you do? It isn't like I sold the iPod for $90 dollars... I told them what to do but they're not listening. I already spent the $25 at the mall with my friend yesterday. The iPod worked before I gave it to them. I told him before I even sold, the sale is final and I don't give refunds as I make sure everything is in working condition before I do. The iPod works, but since it is older it needs to be hooked up on your computer to iTunes before using. I don't know why he won't do that. What would you do?

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Was everything stated clearly in your ad? Age flaws etc?. Then the legal concept of sales like this is 'as is and final'. If you get pestered reiterate the instructions then that sales are 'as is and final' then block the guy. Oh and the onus is on him, another legal concept caveat emptor -buyer beware.

The person keeps emailing me saying "I need my money back." I told him before I even sold, the sale is final and I don't give refunds as I make sure everything is in working condition before I do. The iPod works, but since it is older it needs to be hooked up on your computer to iTunes before using. I don't know why he won't do that. What would you do?
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Put ad on craigslist. Sell it for 35 dollars. Have the guy that currently has Ipad to meet you at the same time of new buyer.


You will make an extra 10 and all will be settled.


You can also e-mail him copy of the ad. All sales are final. I'm sure he isn't going to legally pursuit this.


case closed.

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If you are happy with the $25 you got for it, then forget about this whiner. If it worked properly then the buyer has nothing to complain about. Just because he's an idiot and cant figure out how to make it work, that's not your problem. If you really want to take it back (tho you dont have to) you'll have to come up with $25 for him and then try to resell it for more. Personally, I'd ignore him.

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I told him before I even sold, the sale is final and I don't give refunds as I make sure everything is in working condition before I do.


Did you tell him this in writing prior to the sale?


I'd tell him to follow the instructions you gave him, and if he still has a problem, to report to you exactly what he did and what the results were.


Then it's on him to follow up, and if he can't tell you the steps he's taken and report results, then he never even tried, and that's on him.

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