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Should I end our relationship?


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I need advice my girlfriend and I just got to another bad fight. She smarted off that I could go out and she would just leave and go home. I told her to leave then. Knowing that my son is asleep and there's no way I could or would go anywhere why she would even say this I have no idea. But it made me so mad I told her to leave. She slammed the Front door as she left knowing that my child was asleep. Sometimes she's so immature and childish to be in her 40s. Plus she lives here when she says home she's referring to her moms house which again makes no sense. She then turns around and comes back and says she needs to get her stuff started making a lot of noise gets on her phone and is talking to you I don't who about some craziness that made no sense. She could've been pretending to be talking to someone she has done that before and no one has been on the other line. Basically she just wanted to cause a scene and once she realized I wasn't going to give in she then got on the phone crying and proceeded to beg me for 10 minutes to talk. I refused told her to leave and not make noise and wake my child up. She pulls this about every month when is enough enough?

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No they are always over something very little and stupid and always random reasons. Yes and No she hasn't had a job since July she always got a interview buts nothing sticks. She has put us in debt about 10,000 on me that I didn't have before her so it has been hard for me to forgive

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She's a dreamer, always having a plan or "investment" idea but she doesn't have the money to invest anything! Spends time or as I would (wasting time) looking at houses to buy? She is there for me as far as anything I ask she helps or does it for me. Which is helpful most of the time but I worry about what kind of future I am setting up for me and my child

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Can I delete them? I thought that they were not posted that's why I post the second one


No ,you can't delete them. You will have to wait for a moderator to do that when they wake up or if one of our non North America mods is awake. Just because it doesn't appear immediately on the main page doesn't mean it was not posted. It takes time for it to filter down. Ok.

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