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Hello everyone!


So, for the past few days, I've been talking to this guy I met on an anonymous school app. We actually started talking there, but I wasn't really into talking. He would message, I wouldn't reply. So on and so forth, but I had my snapchat in my profile, so he added me and of course, if see his story and I got to actually see his face and stuff and he was pretty cute.

I actually messaged him to begin with because one of his pictures on his story was kinda funny and from there we started talking sporadically. Then the past few days we've talked almost every night since we're both night owls.


The other day, he mentioned where he worked and kind of hinted that I should come by and I planned to, but then I got nervous and then I lost my wallet so I couldn't go anyway, but he offered to meet me and bring me a few sweets. So we met briefly and he gave me like an entire box of doughnuts and it was really sweet and I honestly kind of expect guys to stop talking to me after meeting me, haha.


But he actually gave me his number and we talked again until really late. And relationship things were mentioned and we're looking for the same things, but I'm just nervous. I don't know how to feel about it. I've only had one boyfriend and that was pretty much a joke because it was long distance. And this guy seems interested, but I'm just afraid I'll get too attached and then he'll move on.


Also...he's 19 and I'm 24. Didn't realize that until yesterday, haha. So, yeah...I really don't know what to think.

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It's pretty straight forward. He likes you and if you like him, continue to chat and accept his invitations. He's not doing all this for the heck of it, so be kind to him or tell him you aren't interested/ready for a relationship.

So we met briefly and he gave me like an entire box of doughnuts and it was really sweet and

But he actually gave me his number and we talked again until really late.

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It sounds like it is a good kind of nervous not the bad kind so enjoy it.


Sabotaging something because you think this or that will happen when there is no evidence to lead you to that conclusion is the best way to ruin your life. Why not take this slow and take each thing as it happens.


You are both young so there is no rush which allows you both time to decide at your own pace how you feel about all this. Anyways it was just a first meet and not even a proper date so relax. I would also suggest to cut down on all the long conversations online and push towards actual dates. There is nothing like the real thing to let you know how you feel.



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Excellent. Go at a comfortable pace. You don't have to "open up" just be yourself. In fact TMI is a turn off so just go with the flow. Enjoy the date!

I don't want to move too fast or anything.Opening up to someone in any way kind of scares me. We are having a date of sorts tomorrow.
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Good luck and relax. Remember he is as nervous or more so than you are.


Keep the convo light and fun. Do not make any negative comments about yourself or anything for that matter. Think about what you want to talk about (school, work, your hobby, his hobbies or interests, your family, his family, where he grew up) get the idea?


It will go just fine. Be sure to let us know how it goes! Also did you stop talking to that guy that has a gf? He isn't someone you should be talking to in my opinion.



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I did stop talking to him. Or he stopped talking to me, rather. I think that with a combination or money troubles and school made me sick.


I actually got to hang out with this guy last night. He was so nervous. I was too. I'm trying to feel it out. I like him. And he wants to hang out again tonight, but with the luck I've had, I wouldn't be surprised if he just up an disappears.


I try not to think like that, but I always get nervous and I'm always usually right.


But yeah, he wants to hang out tonight...

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After the first date, hangout whatever he wants to see you again. That's a sign of interest and that it went well. Enjoy your date tonight. Pick an activity you both like so you don't have to just sit and talk too much. Ask him what type of stuff he likes to go out and do.

I actually got to hang out with this guy last night. He was so nervous. I was too. I'm trying to feel it out. I like him. And he wants to hang out again tonight

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He was actually able to temporarily solve it, but he still seems a bit upset. I asked him if he wanted to still hang out tonight or if he'd prefer to reschedule and he said he wouldn't say no to me, so we're on for tonight.


So, another issue has arisen. I have two very vocal friends. Last night I got off work and was planning to go straight to my place and get ready. My friends made me feel bad about ditching them, so I ended up going to dinner and being much later than I planned. Also, they kept badgering me to bring him over to their place and claiming they would come knock on my door until either my roommate answered or I decided to come over. Luckily they didn't do that.

But they want to hang out again tonight and if I say no, they'll get upset AGAIN. And I really just want to get to know this guy ALONE. And not around them while they're drinking and more than likely drilling him.

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She feels like I'm choosing him over her.


But, anyway...things are going well so far! It feels comfortable, which hasn't happened in a long time. I slept over and it was really nice.


I think he's worried that I won't like him, haha. I'm also worried he won't like me, or that he'll stop liking me for whatever reason.

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