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surgery.....someone to talk to

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Hi Sara. I too struggle with TN. I am close to losing my job because of it. I have had it for 7 years and It really does stop me from leading a normal life. I am hoping to have Surgery in the near future. Just stay positive and think of how much of an impact this will have. I am pushing my doc for surgery. I want It so bad. For me the the risks are worth it. I would not wish this on anyone.


I could also do with someone to talk to as I do not know anybody else with this and I think It would be good to chat.



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Hi Sara. I too struggle with TN. I am close to losing my job because of it. I have had it for 7 years and It really does stop me from leading a normal life. I am hoping to have Surgery in the near future. Just stay positive and think of how much of an impact this will have. I am pushing my doc for surgery. I want It so bad. For me the the risks are worth it. I would not wish this on anyone.


I could also do with someone to talk to as I do not know anybody else with this and I think It would be good to chat.




Wow ,a third person! Hi. Me too.

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Hi Sara. I too struggle with TN. I am close to losing my job because of it. I have had it for 7 years and It really does stop me from leading a normal life. I am hoping to have Surgery in the near future. Just stay positive and think of how much of an impact this will have. I am pushing my doc for surgery. I want It so bad. For me the the risks are worth it. I would not wish this on anyone.


I could also do with someone to talk to as I do not know anybody else with this and I think It would be good to chat.




Hi John,

Wow we found a third person on here with TN!

It is pure hell, plain and simple!

I hope you get the surgery as well! I didn't even have to push my doctor, he believes in doing what the patient wants and he stands behind me 100% and that's a nice feeling.

He is confident and then so am i...

Just still very very scared and emotional, been crying a lot this past week but i also think now finally things are coming out. I bottled it up for 18 months and now it's coming out....


Wow 7 years! I can't even imagine! I have it now for 2.5 years.....the first year undiagnosed and untreated as i thought it was a tooth ache but then last year they diagnosed me, found the tumor and gave me meds....

Do you take meds and do they still work? What do you take?

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Hi both of you!


It is. I find myself curled up in a ball quite a lot because of the pain. And It is so frustrating not being able to enjoy life. It took 3years to diagnose. It seems to be a very slow process for me. 4 different Neurologists. Physios. Headache specialists. I seem to be constantly waiting to be told again what I already know. I last saw my Neurologist on 2 weeks ago and told them to find a sense of urgency. I keep a headache diary and the past few months It has been at its worst. Having another Scan and Going to pain clinics soon.


I honestly don't blame you for feeling scared. Is it the surgery itself? Or the risks involed etc?

You are definitely going to go for it though? You will be so happy when it is over.


They suspected my teeth for a long long time.

I take Carbamezapine and Topamax. I don't think they are working to be honest. Although sometimes the pain feels managable then it comes back with a vengeance.


What meds do you take?

What is the situation with the tumor?

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I take tegretol 1200mg and neurontin 3600mg, both the maximums and at the moment the pain is under control....sometimes it comes through the meds but i can't take anything more.

I had radiation for the tumor in January and they said the tumor could swell up from that. And indeed i got more and more pain and more and more meds so i thought it was swollen indeed.

In august i had my mri and it turns out the tumor was still the same size as in January, though dying! Which was good news tumor-wise but then why didn't the pain stop?

My neuro surgeon said he saw a vein between the tumor and the facial nerve that is pressed into the nerve, hence the pain.

And then i decided a little bit later that the tumor shrinking isn't going to solve this, doctor was also very sceptical about that so i thought, well let's take the bull by the horns and get the surgery....


The surgery is a definite plan, date set for January 26th...

I'm scared for the actual surgery, it being brain surgery....the recovery but mostly scared of what if it won't work?


In one way i am fortunate that there is also a tumor because I'm taken very seriously, also at work which I'm unable to at the moment, but also at the doctors, i immediately got the best neuro surgeon of the country and he right away told me he would do pretty much what i want to do....


I'm sorry yourroad is so very hard, as if the TN isn't hard enough you also have to fight the doctors....it's such a struggle!

I was so very lucky to have a dentist who recognised it immediately, no needless tooth pulling, i mentioned the electric shocks and he knew what it was and got the ball rolling....


The meds are hell as well....which is also why i want the surgery cause I'm just a shell of myself, a walking zombie with a memory of an 80 year old....


They don't call this the suicide disease for nothing!

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Not to mention the brain fog .


I took dinner from the freezer last night for this evening to be thawed in the fridge.....wel i have two freezers and this was upstairs and yes you guessed it, i put it in the freezer downstairs instead of the fridge and i had no dinner tonight! Hahaha so annoying!

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