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I have picked up much from posting my concern on this forum. the main things that i see is that i must not be so hard on myself. I will just enjoy myself and have fun. although al7 does have a lot of valid points, over all everything has been very positive.


for one thing i am simply putting too much into it. I should just have fun and what ever happens, happens. Two, i am finally moving on from my old relationship. That was the hardest thing i had to do in my life, to simply leave a drug user and give up on her. I did try though.


and finally this whole situation has picked up my spirits.




now in honor of the new NIN album coming this may here is a picture of my NIN belt.


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muneca, Al7


I think you guys just take it too personal. I think an unequal relationship is something that is not inherently very stable.

There is some good advice most people can give about dating in general: do not have high expectations. In this aspect Al7 was right, it is better not to be overpositive about a relationship, enjoy it, but have not expectations. It will not only allow you be more of yourself, to act genuinely, but also it will insure you won't be very disappointed in any kind of outcome.

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So, they're unequal just because she's "hot" and has a good job, and he's not "hot" and is working on his degree? So what! Over time, everyone's looks fade. He'll have a degree also in a few years. Their intellect levels could be completely the same. He is also clearly a compassionate person. If you want to be negative and say that they are "unequal," well, it seems to me that in a few years, they will "even" out.



My aunt and uncle have been married for 45 years. My uncle is a prof at a medical school. Every semester, he lets her come in and give a series of lectures on "how to have a happy marriage." And they say that the lecture hall is always packed. They say that compatibility is the #1 thing. To have the same religion, same set of values, same type of family background, same level of education, same income level, etc... If he's in school, and she's in school, it seems that they are quite compatible to me.

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So, they're unequal just because she's "hot" and has a good job, and he's not "hot" and is working on his degree?



lecture hall is always packed. They say that compatibility is the #1 thing. To have the same religion, same set of values, same type of family background, same level of education, same income level, etc... If he's in school, and she's in school, it seems that they are quite compatible to me.


I think unequal is more about money they make or how hot they look.

Sure he may earn more later.. though will a relationship survive all those years.. is a big question. He better off prepared and being aware what this relationship might bring.


Totally agree about compatibility being #1, though never thought about it as religion\education or family background.

I think compatibility is about psychological compatibility and "chemistry", simply put when you not only get long with eahc other really well but all want each other.

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But you know... as for the photos, the photo of her was taken professionally, it looks like she was at a formal event. She probably spent 4-5 hours on her hair, makeup, and fabulous gown. He, on the other hand, had his photo taken by a friend or family member with a simple snap and shoot camera. He looks like he was just out for the day, hanging out. I'm pretty sure that at 6:30 AM, she's not all that. And if he got his photo taken by a professional and he was wearing an Armani suit, he could be just as attractive as her, if not more.

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But you know... as for the photos, the photo of her was taken professionally, it looks like she was at a formal event. She probably spent 4-5 hours on her hair, makeup, and fabulous gown. He, on the other hand, had his photo taken by a friend or family member with a simple snap and shoot camera. He looks like he was just out for the day, hanging out. I'm pretty sure that at 6:30 AM, she's not all that. And if he got his photo taken by a professional and he was wearing an Armani suit, he could be just as attractive as her, if not more.


I cannot say much about him, but they both seem average looking.

I do not believe that she is very hot.. since I do not put any weight on clothes\makeup.

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