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ideas for a fun date!


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hi guys! my boyfriend and I are dating for 5 years now... hahahaha we have a small business so we live together with his parents, work together and hang out all the time. I think I ran out of cool ideas to surprise him -___- hahahaha! so i want your ideas and suggestions


what is your IDEAL surprise that's totally cool, outgoing, fun and adventurous? i wanna see from other people's perspective so please take this kinda seriously hahahaha!

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Uuu this! My partner loves the occasional surprise date, gives him a chance to kick back and relax from the planning.^^

Kuddos to you for keeping the zest going!


Start with waking him up and urge him to get ready without disclosing anything. Just say : "I'm taking you out on a date, let's go!"

Before you leave the door, secretly leave a small gift for him on his pillow.

Hit up two or three places. One of them can be to order him a morning coffee but ask the barista to stick a note with your cute message on it.

Maybe get a bottle of wine and have picnic at the park.

Maybe take him to bouncy house.

Maybe try a nude drawing class.

Do one new thing, and do some things that he'd definitely enjoy.

He'd keep wondering what's next and that's part of the fun. And at the end of the day when he thinks the surprise has ended, he'll be jolted with the small gift.

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Could also try escape rooms, trampoline park (if you have those), water parks, weekend away to somewhere relaxing but also has fun stuff to do like hiking, flying fox etc.


Oooh escape rooms are so much fun! I did one with my coworkers, so much fun and it helps you learn how to work together.

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