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BPD/Eupd following me around like a bad smell.


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I'm sorry for what you are going through ButterflyWrists. I just hope one day they will be able to properly distinguish PTSD, C-PTSD and comorbidities like BPD, EUPD. Until then it seems that individuals who are in need of support will also have to act as rights advocates - like they didn't have enough on their shoulders. In my country there are so many people who are given a certain inventory after sexual trauma and despite them shouting aloud about what happened, their inventory is interpreted in the most crude way and they end up with a high "psychopathic index." Horrendous everywhere really.


Could you access EMDR by any chance? I have seen that it really brings some relief to some people, and quicker than may be expected as well.


It seems that they are prioritizing the affective aspect of emotional dysregulation OK (and DBT - if this is what they mean by emotional skills - is kind of a branch of CBT anyway but is proven pretty effective in terms of suicidal tendencies) but how can they put you in a class if you have problems with hearing without any support?


Please remember that supporting those with mental health difficulties begins with ourselves and you looking after yourself well in this mess is the first and foremost form of activism which you conduct by setting example. So, no matter how tired or resigned you are, please try to remember that things may feel really bad now simple because of how things are going; however, with some self-care you will probably come to a better level of functioning. This tiredness will pass - and then you can also defend rights better. Establishing self-care for stabilization is the first step of trauma therapies anyway.


Do you have a routine for burnouts?


Sending a big hug to your way.

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Thank you zeino it's such a battle to get mental health issues recognised and treated as fairly as physical health issues. I keep getting referred back between talking therapies and the mh team neither want to deal with me. EMDR is great for single incident related ptsd or single exposure and gets less effective the more trauma one has been exposed to, I suffer ptsd in relation to two different things, both have been prolonged and different exposure which makes it much harder. I think the emotional skills thing is a very mild branch of dbt no idea why she referred that seeing as she saw me struggle to hear her alone, I'm guessing once referred out no longer her problem.


I've just had an operation and if this proves successful I know I'll have more energy to fight my mh and get better. I wish the battle didn't feel so overwhelming.

Thank you for your reply

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