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Hey everyone,

Well i haven't posted in awhile but i am now. Alot has kinda been happening.i'll update you then i'll ask the questions i have. i hope thats ok. Well since i have last posted uh well my parents found out about my cutting last friday.i was sleeping and they came upstairs and saw my arms. My mom called my school and made me a doctors apt. i went my doctor put me on zoloft and trazodone and sometimes i might have to take ativan. yeah well i wanna know if when i see someone ya know to talk to at the mental heath center, are they going to send me away? whats going to happen? what question will they ask does anyone know? and does anyone know anything about the meds i'm on? thanks to any posts.

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hey, i know what you are going through.. the same thing happened to me... as to your questions:


what happened to me is i went to a mental hospital for a week, staying there while things were 'sorted out.' i imagine, if anything at all, that is what will happen. regardless, if they do send you a 'away' you will be return... i know i felt, odd, when i went, but i hope it does get better (and stays better) for you...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I don´t know what they might do with you, because I don´t know the law of your country and most of you guys are underaged and that´s more complicated; but I´ll tell you a bit about my experience.


I´m 18 and I live alone in a city away from home because of college, so I haven´t had much trouble with hiding my cutting and drepression since I don´t dee my family very often. I went to a psycheatrist all by myself and I´ve been taking Zoloft for 2 months, I started feeling the effects about 4-3 weeks ago, and though my moods haven´t entirely stablelized I am sooooooooooo much better.

This tuesday I celebrated a month without cutting, after having done it almost daily for the previous 8 months.


I was very aprehensive about taking meds because I thought they would just dope me, that they would stop the pain by stopping all feelings and I also thought they could be addictive, but at least in my case these fear turned out to be false, I´m ME again, the person I used to be before depression, and the pill isn´t addictive, acually I´ve forgotten to take it a couple of times , because it doesn´t have immediate but longterm effects.


Give the meds a shot, it ok to be a little scared of them, but they do work.

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thanks and congrats. i haven;t cut for four weeks from today. its still hard but i'm getting there. i also did it daily sometimes more then 3 times a day


Excellent news - baby steps eventually bring about a huge change. Keep taking them and you will get there, and love it once you do

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