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Dating is exhausting to say the least! What do I do now???


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I once was in a relationship I called her. I asked what would you like for dinner? She replied a number 10 at Mc donalds. Well I called her back (she didn't answer) I said the line was long so I'm going to wendies. I knew she loved the #6 there. I get home and there was a note on the kitchen table found another guy who listened to me peace out bizznich. Lesson learned

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Do this.

I've set up a date with another guy for lunch today and some dates with other men for this weekend as I have a lot of guys interested in me so I'm thinking I better move on and keep my options open to keep my head clear. lol


Not this.


The question is? Do I just act like nothing bothers me and move forward with life? Do I ask him where we stand? (hate this btw as it seems needy) Or...do I break this off and say we should just be friends.


Exhausting to say the least!

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Eeesh. I kinda feel sorry for this dude. One weekend away from him, and you already have a whole set of dates with other men for the weekend. Yeah you're single and not exclusive with this guy, but seriously? You already are dissatisfied with the way things are going now; I can't imagine how it would go later down the road once you two are exclusively together. Men do not like needy and demanding women; just a tip. Have you ever thought maybe he couldn't see you this weekend because maybe he also has a life of his own?


When I was in a long distance relationship, I WISHED I got to see my ex once a week. You are asking for way too much and you already made plans with him and his family next Sunday, what more do you want?

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I've set up a date with another guy for lunch today and some dates with other men for this weekend as I have a lot of guys interested in me so I'm thinking I better move on and keep my options open to keep my head clear. lol


Do I just act like nothing bothers me and move forward with life? !


You have tons of guys into you. So you are going to move on to the next one to keep your head clear? What is moving on going to do for keeping your head clear? TALK to the guy!!! Use words. You are being over sensitive about the amount of time he is spending with you. Maybe it is you being too needy. You have to talk to him if you care at all, otherwise you are just creating an easy-out pattern that will be carried into any new relationship you go into.

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Him: Has the audacity not to see you for a single weekend

You: Settling up several dates with other men


... yet he's the one "placing a total halt?" I'm trying really hard to wrap my mind around this one.


I'm not saying you can't date other guys if you and this one aren't exclusive, but I think given your respective actions, you've got no place pointing the finger at him for acting questionably with regard to where you two stand. Dating is exhausting for you because rather than ask a simple question to alleviate your concerns, you're impulsively arranging several dates in a single week.


I totally agree with this.


Wants to be exclusive but STILL seeing other men


Just one weekend away and worries he is loosing interest.


Id ask to slow down a bit and give the man some time to himself. Love is patient and love is kind. Dont push him or he will lose interest.

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Dont go out on dates. Dont be spiteful. Dont flip out either. He is going out with friends, not a woman. So u should go out with friends too...not men. I think u are used to men messing up or leaving u so ur preparing for his departure by going out with other guys just in case. Throw out ur negative feelings. It will ruin everything. And i know this because i was like that for many years until i changed my ways! Its not easy but u have to try to relax and not panic when a guy makes other plans .

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I think you are a little bit contradictory because you might have actually be a little confused about what your role is here.


You want to be exclusive with this guy and you want him to initiate that conversation (it seems). Yet you don't seem to dislike how he's calling the shots.


I am a big fan of multidating when you are not exclusive. But motivations are important. If you are not genuinely open to meeting someone else who might be a better fit, then rethink your priorities.


It is TOTALLY appropriate to ask a man to be exclusive. It is okay for you to be empowered. I agree with you that asking where you stand is not really the way to go. It is passive and makes the decision up to him.


You are an equal in this thing. If you want him, talk to him.

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