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Hi everyone.

I have seen the numerous posts on how to lose weight, and people thinking they are too fat, but I am the opposite of that. I want to be overweight, and not just a little overweight. I know that it is unhealthy, but overweight poeple are people that I find very sexy. I would find myself much happier if I could be overweight. I would enjoy watching myself grow outward and become bigger and bigger. I plan to become fat the first chance I get, regardless of what people say, but I have a few problems. I'm still living at home, so I don't want to become fat yet, my parents would freak out because they are itness freaks. When would the best time for me to begin gaining be? The second problem is that I have a VERY hard time gaining weight of any sort. I'm very skinny right now, with a tiny amount of flab on my stomach. I wanted to lose that flab becuase of my parents, but I want to embrace the fat. Problem is I can't gain any more flab than what I've already got. Is there anyway to become fat quick and easy when I have trouble gaining weight? Anyway, I know this all might soun weird, but if you could all please help me out. Thanks a lot!

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this is VERY interesting indeed


wow, so you wanna gain weight huh? I don't know were to begin, to be honest i don't feel right tellling you how to become bigger because there are lots of health problems when being extremely obese,....but im not here to judge you otherwise, it's your poragitive to do what you please.


the most obvious is to eat, but you said it's hard for you gain the weight,..maybe due to high metabolism.......i really don't know what to say! Im just shocked at all of this together and i don't want to say the wrong thing to you...maybe the best thing to do is shut up......just kidding, but really.....someone help me here

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Becoming fat isn't good. I think since your parents are fitness freaks and all that it made you want to become over-weight because of the pressure to lose weight. (I think that made sense lol). The easiest way to get fat or fat in the face (whatever don't know lol) is to drink chocolate milkshakes with egg whipped up in them. Like 3 eggs. Well whatever. But obese isn't really fun. It's good to have some fat (Having a bit of fat is good because it protects vital organs and etc.) but a lot is bad. It just means your attracted to confident people. Doesn't mean your attracted to fat people. Well you could be physically..But what is the desire to be fat. It's like the most horrible feeling in the world. Especially people can be really mean about it and degrade your self-esteem by how you look. But overall fitness is good for the mind. Fat is not good for the mind, fat is just as good as eating fertilizer out it's bag, it just basically corrupts, once you have it you can't get rid of fat it's a plague the only easy sure fire way to get rid of it is liposuction. Otherwise, it's there for life. Some people that are obese even can't do certain things since there so over-weight. I wouldn't want to be like that, why would you?

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I would find myself much happier if I could be overweight.


This concerns me. WHY do you want to? By the way, happiness does not come from your looks. . .it comes from within and is directly linked to your self-esteem and self-respect.


I would think that you need to work on building your self-esteem up. You're not happy with yourself right now, but you CAN change the way you feel about yourself. Gaining weight is obviously not a good idea to help raise your self esteem. It's unhealhy, and will actually lower your self-esteem. While there are many self-help books out there, I recommend speaking to a professional (psychologist or even a school counselor). If you choose to forego that option, then try doing things that make you feel good about yourself. Whether it be volunteering helping the elderly, becoming involved in a new sport or hobby, or becoming a member of a local organization - whatever makes you happy, you should do. Fulfilling our own emotions is important when it comes to your self-esteem. You would be amazed how important it is to have high self-esteem, because it will affect every aspect of your life.

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All my life I have never cared what people thought about me. I do what I do becuase I want to do it, or becuase I think I would like it. I do what i do becuase i want to make me happy, not becuase it will make someone else happy. Why do i want to be fat? It just a feeling inside of me. I imagine what I'll look like when I'm fat, and I think I look great. I can feel the folds of my fatty skin all around me, jiggling when I move. Its just something that I feel I would like to be. My self esteem is very good, I don't think I'll be able to lower it by doing something that I want to do. know that the health risks involved are dangerous, but I still want to do it. I find people overweight sexually attractive, VERY attractive, and I would like to look the way I thought was sexy. People all over dress and look the way they want to look, becuase they like the way it looks. I like the way fat looks on a person.


Now that I explained that, i was wondering if anyone could give some tips on gaining weight, since I have a very high metabolism, I could use the help packing on the pounds. I understand if you think this is a weird or stupid descision, but please remember this is my life, and I'm choosing what I want to become. Please help do this.

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I think its kinda weird that you wanna get fat, but I think its kinda cool, in a way. I packed on quite a few pounds, unintentionally, but instead of loosing them, I decided to keep them. I enjoy my weight a lot. Of course gaining the weight was easy for me, so I'm not sure how I gained it, I just kept eating until I was big. I can't give you any real advice on this, but if its something that you want, I'm not going to judge you or stop you. Do what you want to do with your life, and have fun doing it.

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you her layers of fat:


I'm the exact opposite.

I gain a few ounces and I start to panic.


But just like being too thin, there is being to overweight. You don't want to risk your health, both mental and physical, for beauty. Please take care of yourself because being overweight causes almost, if not more, medical problems with being drastically under. You can stress out your heart, develop diabetes (which can lead to all sorts of complications like blindness), and all sorts of things. Please please PLEASE be careful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's intresting, fat people SEXEH!?!?!?!? WTF!!?!? I mean, if you're skinny stay that way.... it's more sexeh to be slim and nice then to be fat and ugly, i think you should stay normal. I mean, you're only 16....very young for this kinda thing. So just stay thin and stay the way you are. Your parents have a right to be fitness-freaks because it is very dangouras being over weight

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I have got to agree with you! Fatness is sexy! I love fat, though I don't want to be fat, but I find fat people just down right sexy! I fully encourage to get as fat as you want anyway possible! Of course there's that problem that you don't know how to. Well I'm here to help you. What you could do is find people who adore fatness, such as myself, and get them to fatten you up. Then again, there's not a lot of people who would be willing to. thereforeeee what I suggest is that you starve yourself for a couple days. Be careful in doing this, cause you could make yourself very dehydrated and ill. So be careful and drink plenty of water. The reason to starve yourselve is to stress out the metabolism cells so they react more slowly when food is again put into the body. When the few days are up, gorge yourself! and keep eating. Eat fatty things like;


Ice Cream


Chips (deep fried, not baked)

Cheesecake and sugar laced desserts

Malts and milkshakes

Alcoholic beverages (not recommended)

Pancakes and waffles with syrup and butter

Sugar sweetened and processed breakfast cereals with milk


Roasted nuts


That I'm sure will pack a few pounds! If not, you can always contact me! I'm ever so willing to help!


With Love,


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