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Everything posted by LovableCannibal

  1. Anthropophagy for starters if some of you don't know, is the study of cannibalism. I have always been rather fascinated with it and almost bound to try it. I'm really afraid that if someone doesn't help me, I might kill someone just to get a taste of what it trully is like (literally)... I'm going crazy, I desperately need help...
  2. So I have this friend... and she get's mad rather easily. I don't know what to do. Like she got really mad over me telling my guy friend a secret. Now she thinks I don't trust her. Now she's being all pissy and doesn't want to talk. I'm rather pissed myself because I didn't tell her my secret because I didn't want her to worry. I did her a favor and she get's pissed. What should I do about her?
  3. Ok... I have a problem. There's this girl and her name is Katie. I love her with all my heart. I told her how I felt about her on Valentine's Day, and she was very hesitant. Later I found out she likes this one guy that used to like me. But he doesn't like her, so that wouldn't work out for her. I keep telling her how I feel about her but she just doesn't feel the same way I feel for her. My heart is broken and I feel alone. I wish she'd like me but I fear it's no use trying anymore. What should I do? (don't reply if you are against gays, les, etc)
  4. I have got to agree with you! Fatness is sexy! I love fat, though I don't want to be fat, but I find fat people just down right sexy! I fully encourage to get as fat as you want anyway possible! Of course there's that problem that you don't know how to. Well I'm here to help you. What you could do is find people who adore fatness, such as myself, and get them to fatten you up. Then again, there's not a lot of people who would be willing to. thereforeeee what I suggest is that you starve yourself for a couple days. Be careful in doing this, cause you could make yourself very dehydrated and ill. So be careful and drink plenty of water. The reason to starve yourselve is to stress out the metabolism cells so they react more slowly when food is again put into the body. When the few days are up, gorge yourself! and keep eating. Eat fatty things like; Ice Cream Pizza Chips (deep fried, not baked) Cheesecake and sugar laced desserts Malts and milkshakes Alcoholic beverages (not recommended) Pancakes and waffles with syrup and butter Sugar sweetened and processed breakfast cereals with milk Cookies Roasted nuts That I'm sure will pack a few pounds! If not, you can always contact me! I'm ever so willing to help! With Love, Vanny
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