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Pesky under eye circles. How can I get rid of them?

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So for the past few weeks I have noticed that I have these dark circles under my eyes - and they seem to be getting worse. I am slowly becoming obsessed with them. Where they have come from I really don't know but they seem to have popped up suddenly. Or maybe I just didn't notice them before.


It could be the fact that I don't have a great sleep pattern but I am having more sleep now that I've had in recent years. It could be age - but surely they would creep up more slowly if that were the case? I have recently been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease so maybe that has something to do with. During a flare up you can suffer from dehydration not to mention mineral, vitamin and iron deficiencies, all of which could lead to dark circles under the eyes. However, a routine blood test indicated that I am now low on these things. Maybe it is the medication. I am currently on prednisolone (or predisone in the US), which is a steroid.


I am drinking plenty of water, getting a fair amount of sleep, taking vitamins and supplements and following different skin care routines (mostly using homemade remedies) but nothing seems to work. Though I guess I haven't been doing anything long enough yet.


I would love to know if anyone else out there has suffered with dark circles and/or puffy eyes and how they dealt with them. I would also welcome some tips of covering the pesky things up because I am fed up of looking so damn tired and ill.

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Do you suffer from allergies by any chance?

Do you use lash growth serums (ok that's a stretch but I hear they can cause dark circles)

The steroid *could* be causing it.


Coverage: you may need a color corrector (peach or salmon) and a good concealer, preferably illuminating. Pat them in lightly, in very thin layers, and set with translucent powder.

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Thanks greta. No I don't suffer from any allergies and I don't use lash growth serums .... apart from trying the old vaseline trick every once in a blue moon!


I have been using a peachy/salmon colour corrector and a concealer but it doesn't seem to be working. Possibly I need to practice my technique or use a more orangey colour corrector. I think I will invest in an illuminating concealer too.


Thanks again.

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Following this.... I have noticed the same, since I hit my mid forties (Ekkk) , - especially if I drink red wine...


I don't wear makeup often (apart from Mascara) and found concealers tends to make the circles look darker.. I was suggested a eye gel which has worked really well.. Thalgo Collagen Eye Roller.. been on it for two weeks and have noticed a big difference...but it could be that I have been limiting my alcohol intake too..

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The best way to get rid of under eye circles?




Yup. There's nothing you can do for these. I have them mildly (they look worse when I'm not well rested or hungover, of course).


I at one point tried some lotion that someone else swore by. The only thing that I got rid of was $20.

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it's the inflammation!!! if yours are only dark, consider yourself lucky. when i flare up, i get majestic periorbital swelling. i have the criminal ID pics to prove it you could try turmeric. not pills, s**ew that, it does nothing, take the actual food-grade ground herb.


p.s. catrice camouflage cream is a cheap-a$$ mac dupe. it's better than most high end ones, and i've tried everything. it covers just about anything. here's the link, hope it's okay to post links to products? i'll remove it if not.

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I don't wear makeup often (apart from Mascara) and found concealers tends to make the circles look darker.. I was suggested a eye gel which has worked really well.. Thalgo Collagen Eye Roller.. been on it for two weeks and have noticed a big difference...but it could be that I have been limiting my alcohol intake too..


Thanks for the tip. I have just read some reviews and have all been good. It seems to be a "must have".


I JUST read something about sleep masks and pillowcases infused with copper allegedly helping. No clue if that's true or snake oil, but...


Yes I've read similar too. That and sleeping propped up. Apparently, it helps with the flow of fluid around the eyes.

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it's the inflammation!!! if yours are only dark, consider yourself lucky. when i flare up, i get majestic periorbital swelling. i have the criminal ID pics to prove it you could try turmeric. not pills, s**ew that, it does nothing, take the actual food-grade ground herb.


p.s. catrice camouflage cream is a cheap-a$$ mac dupe. it's better than most high end ones, and i've tried everything. it covers just about anything. here's the link, hope it's okay to post links to products? i'll remove it if not. ]


I have a hunch that it is the inflammation as this flare up has been particularly hard to get under control so has been going on for some time now. Before this I am not aware that I had a particular issue with such dark circles.


I do actually have some "puffiness" too though not too much. Does the swelling (and dark circles?) reduce when you are in remission from a flare up?


They have upped the amount of medication I am taking and it seems to be working so if I can stay in remission hopefully I will start to look my usual self again ... but, who knows ... maybe it is something else. Old age maybe!


Thanks for the tip on the camouflage cream. I have read some good reviews on this too so I have ordered some. Willing to give everything a try at this moment in time.


Maybe I am becoming too obsessed. Maybe I should just wear my bags with pride!

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I saw something online yesterday about using red lipstick to cover dark circles, and then you apply concealer and highlighter over the lipstick. Sounds weird, I know. But give it a google!


Read that too but when I Googled some more, I read that it wasn't a good idea to do this. They eye area, being delicate, could become irritated by the ingredients found in certain lipsticks. Nevertheless, I gave it a "trial". It worked in much the same way as the colour correctors .... a bit of camouflage but not total annihilation ... unfortunately!


Have you tried cooled chamomile tea bags on your eyes? It normally takes my dark circles away.


No, I haven't .... but I will!!! I know that what works for one person might not work for another .... but if it has been tried, tested and at least successful on one person then I am willing to give it a go.

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Thank you for all your tips. So tonight I am going to go to bed propped up on my pillow, bits of copper around me, tea bags and cucumbers covering my face and various lotions and potions on hand for the morning. Who knows, maybe I will wake up looking somewhat normal!!!!!!

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