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Should my friend forget about this Girl?


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My friend liked this Girl from College for a while, however she had a boyfriend. Although later on he did find out from this Girl's friends that she wanted to leave her boyfriend for him, and that she really liked him. (Only problem is that these girls are kinda imature, they are 17-18 and he's 21)


Anyway when he seen this Girl, she started being really awkward around him, and eventually stopped talking to him altogether for 5 months. Recently though they finished College, and this Girl got into contact with him again, she somehow got his number and started texting him all the time. She messaged him telling him that she knew that he had liked her, and that she was sorry she stopped talking to him, and told him that he was a really nice person.


She would later on go onto him messaging him things like "I'm constantly arguing with my Boyfriend", However later on she would message him saying "Me and my boyfriend are getting engaged soon", this continued for a few days. Another thing this Girl told him was that her boyfriend wouldn't let her go anywhere.


A few days ago though, she told my friend to stop texting him, since she was at her boyfriend's for the whole weekend. However from what my friend's told me, she's been the one perusing him, texting him non-stop, and confusing him by telling him that she's going to leave her boyfriend, and then later on saying that she loves him and wants to get engaged with him??


The last few days he's heard nothing off her, which is strange because over the past week she's been texting him non-stop. All of a sudden, she texts him again asking him why he's been ignoring her, when she's been the one telling him not to text her on weekends when she's with her boyfriend. It seems like he really likes her, I did suggest that it's not a lot that he can do since she's with someone, (I'm in a similar siutation myself ) However I did say if she keeps on messaging him, then he should ask her to hangout.


One thing I find odd is that this Girl knows my friend likes her, so why does she keep going on about her boyfriend to him constantly, She's confusing him by saying that she doesn't like her boyfriend, and then later telling him that they're getting engaged??


I personally think that she's a being a bit of an attention seeker. The only reason I made this thread was because my friend goes on about her a lot, and I want to know what others would suggest.


I personally think he shouldn't contact her, until she contacts him, and if she keeps bombarding him with texts, then he should just be straight up with her.

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Agree she's an attention seeker. Personally I think he shouldn't contact her at all. Whole lotta headgames going on.

She messaged him telling him that she knew that he had liked herShe would later on go onto him messaging him things like "I'm constantly arguing with my Boyfriend", However later on she would message him saying "Me and my boyfriend are getting engaged soon", this continued for a few days.
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"Your friend" would be wise to just block her.


She is in a codependent dynamic, seemingly abusive, and these people can hate their partner with a passion, only to feel like they can't live without them the second they heatedly break up. so they go back and forth between "i hate him i'm trying every escape startegy in the book to be rid of his controlling self" to i want his baby".


she doesn't regulate her intense emotions well and acts on them so she may in fact end up engaged, broken up, pregnant, involved with someone else in the meanwhile, back with him, filing for a restraining order then again decide she wants the kid to have his/her dad in their life, i could go on.

this pattern doesn't change without therapy, and often some painful experience with dire consequences as well.


"Your friend" i'm sure can do without the drama he pays in for the little validation her ephemeral interest gives him.


There are other girls out there.

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Your friend needs to cut her off completely. She is only using him for releasing her troubles from her boyfriend. So she's just keeping him in the loop.

Knowing that your friend will listen and try to be there for her when she calls, is completely unfair to him.

But in the end, it's your friends own doing for not seeing a dead end when there are signs all over telling him.

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