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I will tell him i wont accept the behavior and that he needs to get help. And yes, if he theatens to leave, ill show him where the door is.

Im not sure how i will eat and pay ny bills, but starving is better than this.


That's why you need to go to a woman's help line first. To get guidance on how to work this and to get direction on where you can go to get help with your social situation. Do this smart and get the help you need to be okay when you leave or when he does. You have a child to think of so be prepared before you do a thing.

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When "Mr. Right" turns out to be Mr. Wrong.


"Preaching sugar while practicing poison, Controllers are experts at concealing their true natures. Hiding bad intentions beneath polished appearances, they have perfected the art of "looking good." Subtle and devious in the way he conceals his manipulative nature, he may look like a rose, but ends up feeling like poison ivy.



"At intervals between talking with women friends, you randomly scan the room, sweeping the crowd, pausing to appraise various men. After an hour, you're starting to get bored when someone arrives late. He steps right in to the middle of the crowd, doesn't seem to really know anyone, but acts like everyone knows him. He isn't particularly good-looking, but you recognize that other women are noticing him. And suddenly he notices you. He not only notices, but immediately steps out of the crowd and strides directly toward you, as if he already knows you. His eyes fix directly into yours, and his smile shines with all the sincerity modern dentistry can afford. In the back of your mind, the voice of experience is trying to warn you, but there is something louder about this man's manner than the wobbling wisdom of your experience. He is so immediately attentive. You feel targeted at the center of his attention. His persistently complimentary manner is exciting, because it is he that is making the compliments. Even though he is talking about you, what really feels good is listening to him. And he is so charming.


By the end of the evening, you've given him your phone number and made a dinner date for the following night. Two weeks later you are already "involved." At the end of the month, you're sleeping with him. But, once that happens, you notice a change in him. Suddenly, you are no longer at the center of his attention--he is. And the sole topic of every conversation has become only him.


All the while, common sense's voice of experience and your instinct keep trying to tell you something, but you can't understand what they're saying. "





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Wow, that hits the nail on the head right there...im finding that i am wearing down on trying to reason with this man. I asked him if he would just try easing up on me a little and now he says i am berating him. Seriously though, i think im going to be fine letting go because no matter the financial strain, it cant be worse than this.

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