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VERY stressed out from moving


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my ex broke up with me a month ago, we lived together and I am finally starting to slowly move to my mothers house. All month I was getting over the break up bit by bit, accepting the fact that I will be moving, and I was accepting the thought of moving, but now that it's actually coming to the time of moving, I am freaked out by the change all over again. I'm really nervous for the change. Very stressed out from the actual move and readjustment. I am moving my stuff over the next couple of weeks. I am mostly stressed out about un packing and settling into a new place, being ocd about my stuff being neat and everything in its right place, and having to tear all that work apart and pack it all up has been very hard. I feel like I have a million things on my mind related to moving (which is ok I guess since it's distracting me from the break up). I have no idea how I'm going to be settled and feel at home any time soon and I hate this feeling!. Any advice??? Thank you!

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I hate moving. My fiance and I just moved, and I'm in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy, so that was fun.


I'd say, make lists. Get all of the stuff in your head out on paper (or digital device, as I did) and it will stop you from having to obsess over the details mentally.

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I really can't stand moving. If you have some money, I would hire professional movers. I packed up small/medium sized things into boxes and scheduled a move with local professional movers. I've done two moves this way and I would not do it any other way. When I moved out of the apt I shared with my ex, it was super easy on me. They showed up, packed the huge truck, and then they unpacked all of my big stuff and placed all of the furniture where I wanted them to. Easiest thing ever. It was a local move and I was moved completely within 2 hours. Paid about $300 and it was worth every penny. That $300 included tips for all of the moving guys too.

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