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I made a thread about a month the ago about how I told my ex we couldn't be friends and that I was going to block her on all social media. I told her that but then went back on what I said a couple days later. I tried to be friends with her to show her I was changing and hoped she would come around. The times we hung out went really well but she had the idea that I would be in her life forever as a friend so she was very comfortable moving on. She would talk about her plans on dating other people etc.


I finally had enough. I didn't want to have to see her snapchat a guy or see a guy on fb, so I sent her a goodbye text saying sorry for taking you for granted etc. and told her I loved her and that I hope one day we can be together again but right now I'm moving on. I sent my text and blocked her on everything.


Before I blocked her I was checking her fb daily I was delaying my healing process so bad. Now I feel I can truly try to heal but I'm so overwhelmed and sad that the girl I was most comfortable with and did everything with for the last 5 years is gone and might never be back. Our anniversary was yesterday and that was the day I was supposed to propose to her.


I'm so emotional I just want to feel better again.

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So sorry for what you're going through, its not easy at all. Big kudos for blocking and going NC, being removed from her life especially in a situation like this will help you heal a lot faster. It'll take time, don't expect to be okay over night, its a process. You should be proud of yourself for how far you've come though and for taking the initiative to end a situation that was hurting you. Stick with it and it'll get easier. Hugs!

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I made a thread about a month the ago about how I told my ex we couldn't be friends and that I was going to block her on all social media. I told her that but then went back on what I said a couple days later. I tried to be friends with her to show her I was changing and hoped she would come around. The times we hung out went really well but she had the idea that I would be in her life forever as a friend so she was very comfortable moving on. She would talk about her plans on dating other people etc.


I finally had enough. I didn't want to have to see her snapchat a guy or see a guy on fb, so I sent her a goodbye text saying sorry for taking you for granted etc. and told her I loved her and that I hope one day we can be together again but right now I'm moving on. I sent my text and blocked her on everything.


Before I blocked her I was checking her fb daily I was delaying my healing process so bad. Now I feel I can truly try to heal but I'm so overwhelmed and sad that the girl I was most comfortable with and did everything with for the last 5 years is gone and might never be back. Our anniversary was yesterday and that was the day I was supposed to propose to her.


I'm so emotional I just want to feel better again.


Hey man!. good for you for what you did. It takes a real man to do it. in many many situations the ex is comfortable with being friends with us but we can't be friends with them. We can't see them on a day to day basis knowing that sooner or later she will have a new guy in her life. Seeing her with new guys is so painful and it's a feeling that i know too darn well. I really applause you for what you did as I know how difficult it is to cut someone out or your life who you cared about so deeply. But believe me, this is the best decision you did. You did yourself something good, something healthy, now you can move on. If you had her in your life you can't move on, you may be closing other opportunities for yourself with her being in your life. With that small window of hope that she may come around you purposely avoid going after any other girl, eventhough the next candidate may actually be 100 x better then your ex in terms of compatibility and all around, but you just won't see it because your mind and heart is locked on your ex which is understandable.


Now it's time for you, to do what you like, to care about you. Chin up and know that things would be better in no time. Just give it time. Best of luck and be proud of what you did.

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NC is the only way you get a real chance to heal from this. i know it really sucks. my breakup was similar. she broke up. i tried to stay friends because she was also my best friend. but i realized after 2-3 weeks that it wont work. ive been in nc since. (over 6 months ago) i still have to see her in college for a better part of every week, but that is not so bad anymore. anyhow NC is the way to go and you really have to stick to it.

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