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i did what you said and did not call him for a while and then he called me and i acted like he acted when i call him and then my friend called him and he was acting like a jerk towards her. so i talked to him for a while and he asked me to call another time because he was playing a game on the computer so i asked what was more important me or a game and he hanked up on me. What should I do ?

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Well honey,

You are not being treated right and if you put up with it--it will continue. I think this guy is all wrong for you. With that attitude he doesn't deserve a girlfriend.


Drop him and find yourself a guy who wants to be with you. If you stay with this one chances are he is always going to treat you this way and it will just get worst. Don't you think you are worth it?


I do.

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He is being selfish and immature, and is definitely not ready for a relationship.


Relationships must have foundations of trust and the often overlooked one - RESPECT. He is clearly lacking respect for you. And he will continue to do so as long as you let him.


I would call him back after his game and tell him that while he was playing you had lots of time to think about his behaviour, and decided he is not whom you thought he was and you are ending it. Not that I advise phone breakups in general, but he seems jerky and would likely be rather cruel in person. At least this way you can hang up if he starts being a jerk again - and don't feel bad about it either.


Set yourself free so someone who deserves and respects you can enter your life!

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thanks do you think i should break up with him and find someone else?


I don't see why this is even a question. You asked what's more important, you or a computer game. Then he hung up. I hope his stupid computer game keeps him warm at night!


Yes! Forget him! Is this really what you dreamed about as a little girl? A prince charming who was moody and would hang up on you!?! No, no it's not honey. Yes, I think you should forget this guy, and move onto someone who will treat you right.

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