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good looks vs average


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I can agree with that.... I fun, funny girl.... I Usually like shy ones... Its like you seem more to them and they feel inferior around you.... It seems cute to me... and thats when a good kiss will come in handy.... 8)



Ick. You like girls to feel inferior around you?

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I don't meant it like inferior... but like shy.... like when you walk next to them they look they other way of shyness.... It seems cute tom me I don't know why....


Get it? Its not like I want to be some freek to be incharge of her life or anything.... please.... I'm not that mean....

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I find it rather funny when men say that they like girls who don't wear any makeup. I was hanging out with a group of people, and this one guy said that he likes girls who don't wear makeup. Then, he told us who his crush was - the teaching assistant. All us girls were like, "Dude! She totally wears makeup!!!!!" It's wasn't bright red lipstick, or blue eyeshadow - but she definitely was wearing makeup!


The secret to wearing makeup is to look like your not wearing any. I'm a guy yet I get that, don't ask me how. It's when the girl is obviously trying to make herself up that it becomes unattractive. More you try, less attractive it is. And on a sidenote, how do girls stand makeup anyways? I had to wear some for a drama performance and couldn't wait to wash it off afterwards.


And the reason that shy girls are attractive is because the tend to be nicer, sweeter, and all around more sensitive. There not someone you would imagine causing problems or trouble, instead someone who you can have a fun time talking to and being around.

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It goes both ways.Like guys like a women with a beautiful face and body.Where as girls like a guy with muscles and no acne like the other guy said.I have some acne and im skinny as heck so im out of the picture.Where as a girl whos sort of big and bad body is not good for them cause most guys are shallow where as many girls are shallow.It swings both ways.

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Women with a beautiful body, and large breasts look more fertile to men - they look like they can make more babies. Thus, more attractive.Why are women attracted to men with muscles? Also ancient instincts.


It sounds simple, but it is not anymore.

People value stereotypes more than instincts, especially ancient ones.

Facts? Many.


Look who is popular these days? Tall, super slim models sometimes without hips at all. Any ancient caveman immediately'd recognize that those women are not very suitable for childbirth and likely are infertile: very slim body doesn't do any good in terms of survival (no fat food supplies in her, she won't survive long without food, she is tall - she needs more food than other shorter females, her super mini hips are not conducive to childbirth at all).

Conclusion? Our society sets up stereotypes whom we should love and whom not.


Men with muscles: yeah sure, some guys who 5'0'' but can lift like 500 pounds should be very attractive then They have lots of strong muscles,

but women do not care about that at all.

They go for some tall, lean guys who can dress and speak well. Bulging muscles is more of a fear factor for some women: "what if he rape me? I cannot do anything he is so strong"...

The society tells us what kinda guys women should love too.

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Women with a beautiful body, and large breasts look more fertile to men - they look like they can make more babies. Thus, more attractive.Why are women attracted to men with muscles? Also ancient instincts.


It sounds simple, but it is not anymore.

People value stereotypes more than instincts, especially ancient ones.

Facts? Many.


Look who is popular these days? Tall, super slim models sometimes without hips at all. Any ancient caveman immediately'd recognize that those women are not very suitable for childbirth and likely are infertile: very slim body doesn't do any good in terms of survival (no fat food supplies in her, she won't survive long without food, she is tall - she needs more food than other shorter females, her super mini hips are not conducive to childbirth at all).

Conclusion? Our society sets up stereotypes whom we should love and whom not.




Popular in the media, at least fashion media, but not necessarily with men generally. Many movie stars are not built like that and that is a better indicator - you have to pay money to watch movies, advertisements are free.

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....but not necessarily with men generally. Many movie stars are not built like that and that is a better indicator


How many big hips\big breasts movie stars you know? I can recall about 1-2 african american...


Try internet search: you will see female movie stars are either just average looking gals (J. Anniston like) or slim as a model (Halle Berry like). WHo the heck choose them to be best looking gals?? Why?


Not yet convinced? most good looking make actors are P. Brosnan (best looking man in the world award... man, can we see his muscles???,

Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise... they are fit, but none of them have piles of muscles.


All this shows people like... who they ARE TOLD to like.

Instincts are powerful, but they are very much suppressed by media.

And I have to tell you: somebody tells media what to show. I really wonder who.

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Does anyone understand why schoolgirls as young as 12 are wearing tonnes of make-up just to go to school?


Thats simple: the same reason why boys try to smoke at the same age.

They all want to be adults.. like adults. They think makeup, smokes, drinking are attributes of adults.

It is funny when you grew up, you feel like going back "I wanna be a 12 y.o..

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1. LOL Yeah, I guess that makes sense only they are going about it in the wrong way.


2. I think that sometimes when people see a pretty face the rest of the person becomes attractive to them even if it isn't the usual type they would be attracted to. I agree with you that most movie stars (and singers) are pretty average-looking.


1. Why is it wrong?, It is an easy way that they noticed they can use.

2. My point is people are told what kind of men\women we should like.

And, amazingly, people tend to like them, tend to follow tastes that media is pushing...

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1. They model adults they see. Their goals was just to model, they didn't care much was it a good healthy way or not. Their goals was to.. be like other adults!


2. I believe most people follow the media, we are all told what to do.

And not many people even question if it is somehting they like. They simply follow...

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Why are guys always attracted to the girls with a beautiful body and big boobs?


Give me an average looking woman, with a great smile, great personality, good sense of humour, over a Jordan (an airhead model in the U.K.) any day. Big boobs don't mean nothing!

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Why are guys always attracted to the girls with a beautiful body and big boobs?


i might shag a girl with big boobs etc or do for a one night stand, but I'll definitely never have a relationship with her. I might have a relationship with a girl if:


- She's emotially mature

- Has good relationships with her mother and father

and another thing which I cant remember right now

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Girls come in all different shapes and sizes, I'm certain that one body part won't define their character. There are girls who are beautiful both inside and out. Also, not every guy is into larger breasts. People come in different packages and different things appeal to different people. So it isn't fair to judge people by their preferences or their appearance.

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Girls come in all different shapes and sizes, I'm certain that one body part won't define their character. There are girls who are beautiful both inside and out. Also, not every guy is into larger breasts. People come in different packages and different things appeal to different people. So it isn't fair to judge people by their preferences or their appearance.


Dre - I totally agree with you! I have large breasts, and I would hate to think that some guy labels me as "not girlfriend material" because of them. I can't help what I was born with....

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Girls come in all different shapes and sizes, I'm certain that one body part won't define their character. There are girls who are beautiful both inside and out. Also, not every guy is into larger breasts. People come in different packages and different things appeal to different people. So it isn't fair to judge people by their preferences or their appearance.


Dre - I totally agree with you! I have large breasts, and I would hate to think that some guy labels me as "not girlfriend material" because of them. I can't help what I was born with....


I happen to have a preference for larger breasts Annie, lol. But yeah, I think that Body type has nothing to do with personality. It's like looking for a correlation between intelligence and hair colour, there's just no point to judging people based on their genes.

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I think that Body type has nothing to do with personality. It's like looking for a correlation between intelligence and hair colour, there's just no point to judging people based on their genes.


Interesting, I am sure you just forget how it works in real life.

People do judge others based on their genes: a good nose, nice looking cheeks, beautiful eyes...

People do judge, and moreover are looking for good genes based on what they see: in fact what they see is the most crucial attraction factor

to date somebody.


Another matter if you consciosuly say "I am looking for large breasts", one feature ALONE doesn't make any sense at all to look for.

"Chemistry" and an attractive face are the most important attraction factors. But what are they as if not genes?

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I think that Body type has nothing to do with personality. It's like looking for a correlation between intelligence and hair colour, there's just no point to judging people based on their genes.


Interesting, I am sure you just forget how it works in real life.

People do judge others based on their genes: a good nose, nice looking cheeks, beautiful eyes...

People do judge, and moreover are looking for good genes based on what they see: in fact what they see is the most crucial attraction factor

to date somebody.


Another matter if you consciosuly say "I am looking for large breasts", one feature ALONE doesn't make any sense at all to look for.

"Chemistry" and an attractive face are the most important attraction factors. But what are they as if not genes?


You're correct in what your saying. However, a poster said he wouldn't date a girl with larger breasts because he didn't see her as girlfriend material (or words to that effect). So I was just saying that you can't determine whther or not someone is relationship material by a single body part just like you said. And as for me, of course I look for a combination of features physically and mentally in a girl.


We do judge people based on how they look, but attraction is probably the most subjective measure known to humankind. We all have different and sometimes peculiar tastes formed by our current and past circumstances and experiences.


For some guys or girls, maybe a nice body is more important, or a nice smile. Everybody is different. What I'm trying to state is that one shouldn't try to make assumptions about personality based on physical attributes. The two things are separate, yet equally important aspects which factor in to creating the attraction that a person feels for someone of the opposite sex.

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1. We do judge people based on how they look, but attraction is probably the most subjective measure known to humankind. We all have different and sometimes peculiar tastes formed by our current and past circumstances and experiences.


2. What I'm trying to state is that one shouldn't try to make assumptions about personality based on physical attributes.


1. I personally find us stupid: humans can laugh spaceships to Mars but cannot and are not going to figure out "chemistry" of attraction through DNA for example. Is not it dumb? We sent billion on plantes we do not give a crap about, but suffer here not finding a good match.

Moreover it is not even considering as a research goal as far as I know.


Ok, to bring some good ideas: I have read about sombody in UK who used his restaurant as a matching device. He invites couples, and give them a menu that has a long list of dishes. Each person from a couple is to choose 3 (or 5, I forgot) of them while not talking to each other.

Based on this simple data, the more identical dished they choose, the better their compatibity.

How about that?


2. Well I think if a guy do not like large boobs then we would not able to re-convince him. I think it is not a matter of what he believes in, it is a matter of experience.

He would be better off try dating girls he like and figure out by himself what is better for him: to care about boobs or not.

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Hmm, interesting points...As for humankind figuring out attraction. I think it's not a very straightforward thing, and it's not the same experience for every body. I think science relies on generalizing priciples to explain a wide range of concepts. So what single theory could account for the numerous aspects of attraction? When we're attracted to someone it appeals to all of our five senses, stimulates brain function etc. There's so much going on at once that it would be almost miraculous to explain with a single.

I don't think humankind is stupid, it's just that somethings are beyond our understanding and should be.

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