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Weird quitting smoking withdrawals..help?

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I quit smoking just a couple of days ago. I knew that craving cigarettes is a no brainer being part of the quitting process. But I'm having the normal withdraw where my lungs and throat hurt a little. But a couple of times today, I ended up crying. I seem to get frustrated so easily and I reach a breaking point to where I just cry and it happens right around the time I'm really craving a cigarette. I got easily frustrated even while I was smoking anyway but now that I've quit, my emotions feel like they're all over the place. I've been a heavy smoker the passed year and I quit cold turkey. I have nicotine gum but with my experience I had with it years ago, I'm afraid to use it. Cant afford any other kind of NRT so I kind of feel like I'm stuck tho way for a while. I seem to be so depressed more than usual and bored most of the time. Its like I cant enjoy anything without my cigarettes. Is this all part of the quitting process? Is tho normal? Anyone else who quit experience any of this? Thanks in advance!

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I have no experience with this, so forgive me if this doesn't work for you. But I read online about how going to a sauna for the first few days after quitting cigs helps you sweat out the nicotine and makes quitting easier. Don't know how true it is, but it's worth a shot? In regards to mood swings, that's totally normal. If you don't have access to a sauna just keep your head above a boiling pot of water (don't burn yourself, obviously) and sweat it out that way. Good luck! Don't give up, it's difficult but worth it

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Quitting cold turkey after being a heavy smoker is tough. Nicotine is highly addictive so congrats on making it to this point. Have you looked into eCigs? Though not a great an option as not smoking at all, it's tons better than smoking and will take care of the psychological and physical sensation of smoking. It may be a crutch on your way to *really* quitting your addiction if you've attempted and failed in the past.

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I was a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker when I quit almost 20 years ago. I felt pretty much like you do, but I hung in there and never touched a cigarette again. I remember on Day Number 4, I was driving to work and dying for a smoke. Suddenly, on the radio came and announcement that a very popular dj in L.A. had just died from lung cancer. Before he died, he recorded something for all his fans who were smokers or were in the process of quitting. He said he was so very sad that he hadn't quit sooner and how guilty he felt for leaving his wife and children alone. He said it was much easier to quit smoking than to die, much easier. He apologized to everyone he knew for not having the strength and good sense to quit many years previously. That got to me and after that 5 minute message I lost all desire for a cigarette and have not had the urge for a cigarette since. It's been 20 years this May. Remember that. It is easier to quit smoking than it is to die and leave everyone you know. Think about it. I was a heavy smoker and was extremely addicted to cigarettes and I did it. Cold turkey. You can do this.

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I smoked from when I was 13 until year before last, when I started Vaping. Quitting cold turkey like you are doing is hard, lots harder than quitting smoking pot or doing blow. So congrats on getting to day 3. The cigs gave you a way to control your feelings/emotions and were a good way to let go when you were stressed. And there's no easy way to deal w/ not having them. I think it's just mainly will powet

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  • 2 weeks later...
I quit smoking just a couple of days ago. I knew that craving cigarettes is a no brainer being part of the quitting process. But I'm having the normal withdraw where my lungs and throat hurt a little. But a couple of times today, I ended up crying. I seem to get frustrated so easily and I reach a breaking point to where I just cry and it happens right around the time I'm really craving a cigarette. I got easily frustrated even while I was smoking anyway but now that I've quit, my emotions feel like they're all over the place. I've been a heavy smoker the passed year and I quit cold turkey. I have nicotine gum but with my experience I had with it years ago, I'm afraid to use it. Cant afford any other kind of NRT so I kind of feel like I'm stuck tho way for a while. I seem to be so depressed more than usual and bored most of the time. Its like I cant enjoy anything without my cigarettes. Is this all part of the quitting process? Is tho normal? Anyone else who quit experience any of this? Thanks in advance!


Yes, I think this is normal.


For the love of all that is decent in the world keep going. There is nothing in the world you can do better for yourself than quitting smoking. It's been decades since I quit, but I still remember how unbelievably good it felt. It might take some time. Maybe a couple of months. But the rewards are immeasurable. Just keep going. All the cravings and anxiety will come to pass, as will all the withdrawal.

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