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Am I being realistic or am I just still upset?

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I posted almost 2 weeks ago, about my cousin catching my ex at the club with his ex that he was with before me. They were there with a group of friends they share I guess. Anyway I was really upset about it, especially since I'm sitting at home now 34 weeks pregnant with his first child. He broke up with me last September, the same day we found out we were having a son. Anyway, it's been hard for me since, but I was managing to get through the breakup. But hearing about the whole "club incident" did hurt a lot. I cried, but continued my NC with my ex.


But two days after learning about him being at the club, I felt a little relieved. It was like some sort of closure for me to just move on with my life. I looked in the mirror and told myself "YOU DESERVE BETTER!" "YOU'RE NOT WASTING ANYMORE TIME SEEING WHERE THINGS WILL GO!" "THIS NEW YEAR IS ABOUT YOU AND THE KIDS!" "THIS IS MY TIME!" Honestly, it was like an epiphany! I didn't want to start my new year feeling like crap. And deep down, I know I can be happy on my own. My emotions were just clouding my better judgment. I mean everybody I know was surprised about how broken up I've been over my ex, because I'm a strong person and I've never let a guy get me down like that. Now, I'm starting to feel like my normal self little by little. All I'm focused on are my girls and the excitement of my unborn son, who will be arriving next month 😊 and of course, myself.


Well it's been a little over a week since I've been happily moving on and my ex texts me. He texted "Hey, I've been praying for you and the baby and us as parents. Still love you and love you son. Have a great day." Now I never confronted him about the whole club thing. I just left him alone. So Idk why he texted me all that and I really don't care to find out. My initial reaction seeing his name pop up in my phone was "Eww! Why are u texting me? Ugh!" Then I rolled my eyes and still continued ignore him.


I feel like I'm over it. I'm so done with the drama and the caring for someone who doesn't care about me. I don't want to put any energy into him or anything regarding my past relationship with him. BUT when discussing this with my sister, she expressed that I'm still mad at him but deep down I love him and maybe things will work out after the baby. I told her "No I'm pretty much done with him. I'm not here for him to get back with at anytime, after he's done doing all his partying. The opportunity to start a family is off the table and now he's just a single father." Then she said "you're still going through pregnancy hormones, you guys will get back together."


At this point, I really just want to move forward ALONE and SINGLE. I don't feel nor want to work on that relationship with my ex and I'm definitely not ready for a new one. I know it's only been a little over a week since I've decided on my own to move forward, but am I jumping the gun here? Am I having too much confidence in myself to move on? Or am I just acting like this because I am "upset?" Which I don't even feel upset anymore about anything that has to do with my ex. The only thing I got upset at is my sister trying to tell me how I feel. Am I being realistic ENA?

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Sounds like you are fed up, and realized that there is no future with this clown. You know that he is not good for you, stop making excuses.


I suggest you make a list of all the negative things that occurred in your relationship, and when you are feeling weak, refer to it.

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I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Being single and pregnant ...that is truly heartbreaking. Find support in your loved ones believe that its better to be alone than with someone who has so little love and respect for you. You're better off. You'll eventually find someone who will deserve you. Take care & stay strong. =(

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What's the problem? He broke up with you and is now free to do what he wants.


Anyways, what I would do upon that text is "Please do not contact me again unless it's related to our child and our child only. I hope you respect my wishes".


Keep healing. It's only been a week. It's going to take LOT more time.....stay away from him, keep him away from your thoughts.....and just focus on yourself and your child.


Good luck

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