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Need some perspective on this...

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This has probably been discussed before on this forum (and if not, then certainly elsewhere on the interwebs), but I am too lazy to search... I am almost 30 and haven't really had much social interaction all through high school until now, nor have I done much research on this and related topics.


The topic that I wish to gain enlightenment in is this: Why do people who "have more money than God" sometimes commit suicide?



Over the years we have heard of many celebs commit suicide or die of drug overdoses (which in some ways may be a form of suicide since the risk of dying form that is always there). Usually these people have boatloads of money, or at least it seems that way to us ordinary peons.... It seems like someone who has millions of dollars could buy and do anything they wanted to! They could buy an endless amount of distractions - I know I could! There is so much I want to learn about many scientific topics, so much I want to experiment with. I also love history so would love to travel mainly for that reason!


Put another way: If people who have more money than God sometimes commit suicide, what reason is there for me (peon Joe Sixpack) to also not do that if things in my life turn to and there is no reasonable chance of recovery???

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Because money does not buy happiness. That's the short answer. The long answer would be way more complex. A rich celebrity who gets into drugs ends up with an addled brain and isn't much different from a poor drug addict, they just have a lot more money to support their habit. I think being a rich celeb and living that type of lifestyle may well contribute to the screwed up mess many of them become.

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There's so many scenarios which could lead someone who's financially well off to end their life. To name a few: feeling disconnected from everyone/loneliness /only having people stick around for financial gain, drug addiction (having all that extra money doesn't help), mental health disorders/depression.


At the end of the day they're human like us. You could have the best cars, amazing house and endless cash, but money doesn't guarantee happiness. (It might make things allot easier though lol.)

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