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Post Valentines Present


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I've been chatting to a girl on msn for the last month and decided that on Valentines Day I'd go to her work unannounced and give her 1 red rose (it was her birthday on the 11th so it was a bday/vday present). It was going to be the day that I finally ask her out on a date. When I entered the bookstore, her coworker told me she wasnt working and her next shift was late the next week so if I left the rose, it'd be dead by her next shift. I told her in an email that i had gone to her store to give her something and that since she wasnt there, i would give it to her on her next shift. It seems that her coworker made a big deal about it ... its only 1 rose and now she's asking when shes getting her present. I'm afraid shes expecting me to tame a wild stallion for her. Should I still give her the rose even though its 1 week past v-day? I expect it would seem strange and out of context. A rose is the most subtle thing I can think of at the moment so I dont really know, I will have to go out and buy another one if I decide to do so. I did a drawing of one of her online photos and I was thinking of giving her that drawing. I got the idea from watching Napoleon Dynamite. Would a girl find it weird to be given a drawing of herself?

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I wouldnt buy her another rose, right now her interest is peaked because she knows that you were going to get her a gift but she wasnt there to receive it. A drawing could be a better alternative im not sure how it will be received by her. If this girl is interested in you then I dont believe that the drawing is a bad idea however if she isnt interested in you then it can come off pretty bad. When you do give her the gift pay close attention to how she responds to it, this means paying less attention to what she says and more attention to her actions.

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yeah, a red rose might come off as too strong. If you wanna get her a flower, I wouldn't get a rose. If I was you I would pick a flower myself that I found to be pretty. MUCH more subtle.


Also, if you don't make a big deal of it, she most likely won't. If you give it to her just like you'd give a friend a flower, she will probably just think it's a nice gesture.

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I agree with not giving her a red rose. It essense you are saying "I love you", which it is probably a bit early to say, if you think about it.


Flowers send messages, sometimes women may know what a certain flower means, sometimes not. Assume they do. Be vague in your messages. I like sending books early on, but that may nto work here.

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Thanks for the input. Greatly appreciate it. I decided that giving her a flower would be more appropriate. I'm not sure how she will react to a drawing of herself. I will give her one (or a combination) of the following flowers:


- a yellow tulip (there's sunshine in your smile)

- a pink carnation (I'll never forget you)

- white violets (lets take a chance on happiness)


When I do give it to her, I'll probably say something along the lines of "You werent here last weekend so I decided to bring them to you today before they die. Happy belated birthday and valentines day." Do y'all have any ideas as to how I can refine it so it seems reasonable to her?

Now to find a flower shop in my area that carries these flowers.

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I decided not to give her a rose because as someone said earlier, it says "i love you" and it would be inappropriate. Instead I took one of her online photos and sketched it on paper. I then proceeded to her store and handed it to her. She seemed to be having a bad day from the stern look on her face. She took a quick look at it and said it was nice and put it under the counter, I expected her to analyze it more but she seemed busy cleaning the store. I told her I initially got her a flower but it died so I decided to give her something that would last longer i.e. a drawing of her. I then said "we should go for coffee sometime" after which she replied "when?" to which I answered "now!"

She said she was busy right now working and said she'd talk to me online through msn. Anyways, right now I feel like an idiot for not giving her a specific date or time to go out. Do y'all think its wise for me to ask for her number online and ask her out over the phone whether she's busy tomorrow at so-and-so time? Or should I wait for her to tell me when she can go out? I am starting to think she's losing interest b/c of my lack of confidence to establish a date for us to go out. Any advice is welcome.

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Yesterday night I sent her an email saying "I hope you enjoyed the drawing...(small talk)... if you're ever up for a rip-roaring good time call me at this #." She hasn't called yet ... maybe its too soon to be worried.

She and I work for the same bookstore company but at different branch locations. I was thinking of calling her store from my store today (since we are both working) to say hi and ask her shes doing. I think this is my final chance to establish a date Should I wait for her to call me since I left her my # in the email or should I call her today and get her number/set a date. I'm guessing it would make me seem needy if I did the contacting 2 days in a row.

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