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What are you thinking thread? round two, Part 4


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ha! my bestie has the same name except spelled with an E, Meri. She's on a pilgrimage now and i won't see her before tuesday so wilson..errr...little rick will have to do. it was a little vexed yesterday, we weren't even able to download our movie and they were out of peach tart, as if to add insult to a pretty injurious day. but it's okay. today i'm back to being perky and productive and mentally preparing myself for the week.


I'm so glad you two have found a solution, you'll be working hard with getting the rooms spruced up but it sounds like it'll be a lot easier when you're renting out! phew!


I'm seeing a new pt tomorrow, he's 92 years old, very independent, pretty lucid, can still joke around and is overall adorable. I have pretty bad days, but i'm grateful for the things I have- though they would be worthless to a lot of other folks. i stillremember i used to have none of that. Sure i have inherited debt- and i have work offers streaming in so i can pay. Sure i lost mum, i lost a relationship i thought was pretty solid-- i have a couple of really good friends and my clients are angels. The workplace relationships are toxic-- but i have sworn i wouldn't be. My health gives in preiodically-- yet i'm more active and functional than a lot of healthy people. I get very depressed occasionally- but i'm frequently granted mercy. There is good in everything. and I like that saying, when you can't find goodness, be the goodness.


It's really uplifting to see your situation improve, you deserve the relief!

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Paris! The notion of mosquitoes being in AA now has me rolling on the floor! Maybe it is just the brand of beer: perhaps last year's was an upscale microbrew, and this year's is Bud Light?


I've tested multiple brands out on the mosquitoes here, they are very picky. Their current favorites are a local brew that uses ly Pear fruit as one of its ingredients (delicious!) and Miller's.


My son has attempted to spoil the fun by pointing out that brewer's yeast and sugar in water will also make a mosquito trap, but seriously where is the fun in that?


Hahaha, apparently the language filter here sees the fruit of a certain evil cactus as a naughty word!!!! And I say it's evil, because one angry horse plus my backside into a patch of it once landed me in a world of hurt. Not fun. But it makes great jam, syrup, candy and yes, even margaritas so all is forgiven.


As long as those cactus stay over there away from me. Along with the mosquitoes who are pleased with my current beverage offering that is not my blood.

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I've tested multiple brands out on the mosquitoes here, they are very picky. Their current favorites are a local brew that uses ly Pear fruit as one of its ingredients (delicious!) and Miller's.


My son has attempted to spoil the fun by pointing out that brewer's yeast and sugar in water will also make a mosquito trap, but seriously where is the fun in that?


Hahaha, apparently the language filter here sees the fruit of a certain evil cactus as a naughty word!!!! And I say it's evil, because one angry horse plus my backside into a patch of it once landed me in a world of hurt. Not fun. But it makes great jam, syrup, candy and yes, even margaritas so all is forgiven.


As long as those cactus stay over there away from me. Along with the mosquitoes who are pleased with my current beverage offering that is not my blood.



Ah, your mosquitoes are connoisseurs, I see. The Pri*kly Pear cactus beer sounds delicious, and I don't even drink!


Being thrown from an angry horse into a big patch of Pri*kly Pear, on the other hand, sounds awful! Sorry about that mishap.... Since cacti don't grow legs, you can probably make them stay put if you choose your trail rides carefully!


Wish I could be out there with you enjoying those gorgeous skies, the rhythm of the ride, and the view of the land from atop one of those magnificent creatures.

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i'm usually one to worry more about the human-inflicted harm than the harm nature might do- possibly because we've been spared in natural disaster terms compared to our friends overseas. but these italian earthquakes are so close, i'm starting to worry. like half of italy is in ruins. sara pezzini, are you safe luv?

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Well, my reinstatement amount of $20K is due on Sept. 9 to avoid foreclosure of my home.


But yesterday my sister, who is an architect, offered to buy my home right now, in as-is condition, for its present fair market value, then renovate it and resell it for its new value, and give me 5% of the sales price.


Amazing. She has tons of experience, equity, and, obviously, love.


I have been blessed. SO blessed.


Pray that the financing goes through and that she will be able to clear a $50K profit, or she will not be able to make the investment.

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Oh Yum! chocolate


Bliss! It's Fantastic Friday and I only have 29 minutes left to work!!! Wicked!!


Going home to make a huge rustic shepherd's pie for my boys and my man and then relax in front of the fire with a beautiful Wooing Tree, Beetlejuice Pinot... ... I am relaxed just thinking about it Hmmm might grab some chocolate on the way home...

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Rainy Coast,


I had to look up the word dharma, but what I found was very lovely!!!


A really interesting definition. Thanks for teaching me this term.


To add to the good news, yesterday I remembered a very inexpensive apartment complex in walking distance to my day job. I looked it up, and I have, starting YESTERDAY, just the right salary to qualify for their studio apartments. The rent is $1,000 a month, including utilities. The apartment has about 345 sq.ft. I have always wanted to live in a Tiny House, but not isolated in the country! This is perfect.


I loved the place and they loved me, but my credit score is presently 36 points below their minimum, which it has NEVER been before; just now because I am behind in my mortgage. It is a cute, tiny, warm, adorably cozy place. I felt comfortable immediately.


I hope that I get it. I will go from 2600 square feet, a huge garage, attic, storage rooms and wardrobes in the lower level, 1/2 an acre of land, a long driveway, and 50 azalea bushes, to 350 square feet, no garage, a small storage cage, no land to maintain, but big open spaces to enjoy, loads of azaleas that I don't need to trim, a lawn that I don't need to mow, utilities that are included in the rent, and a monthly payment that is about a third of my present mortgage, property tax and utilities.


Sounds like a wonderful deal to me. And they accept up to two cats, with no pet deposit, and the security deposit is $500, not the usual "first month's rent." I have two cats.


And the cost is 35% of my very tiny income, which is exactly what is recommended for an appropriate budget. If I get this, I will be very happy, very grateful.


And I will have 5 weeks to downsize, declutter, etc.!!!


Oh my.

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yes, it's like when you exhaust the negative consequences of your thoughts, feelings, behavior and the good results start appearing all over the place.


that sounds like it's from a storybook, wow! luv, regarding decluttering, i'm like you- my place is tiny, i have moved from small to smaller several times and the downsizing and decluttering are stressful. and i don't think that i have that many things, i use everything i have (almost no dust collectors, apart from family heirlooms. but i still have to keep throwing things out! somehow the most bizzare useless things always find their way in and then it's like they multiply. if your things aren't just regular useless clutter, could a friend with an attick store some of your things for a while, could you sell some afterwards? in my experience, the absolute worst clutter are old papers. we recycled bag upon bag of it after my mum passed. hope you can get helping hands to make the process easier! some dumps will buy your crap where i live- for a small price, but it can add up. kitchen appliances and the like. often washing machines that no longer work (i'm guessing for copper wiring mostly).


this story of yours is so motivating

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How does someone sacrifice the well-being, the safety, the very life of their child or children all for the sake of a romantic partner. How?


I just can't fathom it, I just can't. It makes me want to go out and start an underground railroad for kids, some place where we could get them to safety, where we could stop the terrible things from happening to them that I see in the news.


I look at my kids and get a lump in my throat after reading these things, after hearing them on the news. Yes, I spent most of my adult years as a single mother. Sure it was lonely sometimes. And yes, on more than one occasion I kicked someone out of my life and had to deal with the aftermath, but I was always, always going to put my own children's well-being and happiness above my own love life. Always.


How is it possible some don't? I don't think I will ever understand that. And maybe I shouldn't have to.

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