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Behind The 8 Ball


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One day while working in a convenient store the love of my life, or so i thought, walked in. He introduced himself like the perfect gentleman. The very same day we went on a date to the oceanfront for drinks and a stroll on the boardwalk. It was very romantic. Over the next couple of months we became really close and started to stay with each other for weeks on end. He is a college graduate and works as a marketing director for a private company. So when he found out that i had not finished college he helped me to get back into school. I am currently 25 and could not be more happy to be back in school, but here is the problem. We now live together and he pays most of the bills and when money is tight he gets frustrated with me because i go to school full time and work part time as a customer service representative. I don't mind giving my last dime to help pay the bills but I cannot stand for being degraded for not having enough "real world experience" or "education". It makes me feel very low and I have even had thoughts of self harm. I feel as thought I want to leave but I'm scared of having nowhere to go. I need advice help!!!

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I lived with my mother. And he convinced me that I was too old to be living with her and that if I wanted to gain "real world experience" I had to learn to live on my own just like he had to in Japan. Because when he was in college he was an exchange student and went to Japan for 2years. He just makes me feel like I'm behind in life and that he is so superior because he has a degree

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I lived with my mother. And he convinced me that I was too old to be living with her and that if I wanted to gain "real world experience" I had to learn to live on my own just like he had to in Japan. Because when he was in college he was an exchange student and went to Japan for 2years. He just makes me feel like I'm behind in life and that he is so superior because he has a degree


HE convinced you to move in with him.. so he could continue the brunt of funds?

Moving in with someone too quickly is obviously NOT the greatest idea.


How about you back your life up a bit, again and move back with her to ease his burden?

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He isn't all that and a bag of chips. Perhaps he started you on your path, but you don't need him putting you down. Move home and keep up the great work.


Agree with this.


He thinks he's above you because he has 'real life experience'. I'll tell you what he doesn't have, respect and understanding for another human being, a person he claims to love, no less. No life experience will give him that I'm afraid.


I suggest leaving him. Can you imagine if one day you got married and have kids and you have to stay home, possibly financially rely on him for a lengthy period of time? Can you imagine his behaviour and attitude towards you then, if this is him now?


No shame in living with your mum until you finish college and find a stable job. It doesn't fit with the western society norm, so what?You're doing it for a good reason. Don't let any one shame you for making your own life choices.

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My Son, his Wife & I share a house.

It is great company for me, we pay less rent each, and we all get along very well.


Who cares what this man thinks, it isn't his life, so if you want to go back & live with your Mum then go & do it.


He sounds like a controlling person, and will chip away at your self esteem til there is none left. Don't let him do that to you.

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This sounds like he's becoming emotionally abusive. It sounds like his "help" came with strings attached and he thinks it gives him the right to talk down to you. It doesn't. Time to tell him since it's such a problem you're gone, and then go.


He can use a TV remote if he wants control over something so bloody bad.

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