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What are you listening to? Part 13


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Def Leppard

Love Bites


I got this album (Hysteria) for Christmas when I was 12. When I re-listen to it as an adult, I still enjoy it. They're good musicians.


Trivia: The drummer lost his arm in a motorcycle accident. So, he had to learn how to play again with one arm. He does a pretty good job, as you can hear in this album.


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My rocker friends Superman and Jibralta, I rocked out a different way today. On repeat. It knocks me out.


Beethoven's piano concerto no 5, the "emperor" concerto


I dig classical!


While in college, I made a mix tape consisting of only this piece. I used to blast it on long drives through country roads.



One time, I pulled up outside of a motel after closing a bar. I was waiting for a friend to get his clothes (for some reason he was staying there). I had this song blasting, and some dude actually came out of his room to yell at me. But once he saw I was a young girl, he just went back inside.

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I dig classical!


While in college, I made a mix tape consisting of only this piece. I used to blast it on long drives through country roads.



One time, I pulled up outside of a motel after closing a bar. I was waiting for a friend to get his clothes (for some reason he was staying there). I had this song blasting, and some dude actually came out of his room to yell at me. But once he saw I was a young girl, he just went back inside.


hahaha thats funny


Mozart's requiem is crazy!


Your hotel story reminds me of a few years ago when a neighbor complained about music coming from our home. It was my 10 year old playing Beethoven on the piano. Seriously? I didn't even give him a full audience. After many evasions to my requests for a solution, "Id like to axcommodate you. What would you suggest?" He finally said, I dont think you should own a piano. hahahahaha never heard from him again.

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