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Im starting to lose faith in people.... lets change that


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does anyone have a great love story they would like to share? Ive been mourning the loss of a relationship and i started going to this forum for answers. I seem to see alot of stories about peoples hearts being broken and I'm thinking that maybe i should never try dating again because theres always going to be an end and I will get hurt and i dont want to feel like that anymore. It would be really awesome to hear about good experiences and successful relationships and what people do to make them work. I would just really like to see some positivity and maybe someones story can brighten my day a little bit.

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I understand where u are coming from. However, u can't lose faith. U can't have love withoutpain. Pleasure without hurt.

U have to be vulnerable to have a chance at love.

I have loved three women in my life. Each one hurt me deeply, but I wouldn't trade the hurt for the love I felt and the good times we had. I still believe there will be a fourth. Are they swallow people out there? Absolutely! But, there are people out there just like u looking for love. There are always possibilities. And I would never want to miss the dance.

And as sappy as it sounds, I would rather to have loved than to have never loved at all!

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You won't see much of that here, as most people come here when they have problems.


Anyways, wife and I are high school sweethearts, 4 kids and still together after 20 years. Everything is great and we both love where we are today.


But even with the "best case scenario", we know that the end will come. There is ALWAYS an end to EVERYTHING.

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