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Female roomate?


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My boyfriend and i have been together for almost six years. He owns an apartment building and recently put out an ad looking for new tennants. He went with one couple but said there was a single woman who would have been good too. Once she found out the place was rented out she offered my boyfriend $700 to rent the other room in the suite my boyfriend lives in. He asked me what i thought and i told him i didnt like it, but im angry he even considered it. Am i out of line for being so upset?

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I would have reacted the same way if it was my gf but 6 years is great you both most trust each other at this point like the others said this is just jealousy that's good you care about him but he wouldn't cheat on you or else he wouldn't have told you about it it's ok just let it go

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Yes, you are out of line. He came to you and asked how you felt about it. Not all boyfriends would do this if they needed the money. Be grateful you have such a thoughtful boyfriend and appreciate him.


Wow...you truly believe she should feel thankful that he even asked her? They've been together for six years!! Of course he should ask her, it's common courtesy and to simply move in with a single woman without warning would be an extremely disrespectful (and shady) lack of communication...I truly hope you set your standards a little higher for your own relationships. Especially considering she wasn't his only choice.


Anyways, I find it odd your boyfriend feels more comfortable living with a random single lady than with his gf of six years. Unless there's a specific reason you guys are waiting or the woman was hideous, I don't think you overreacted at all getting upset.


However, he went with the couple so might as well move on

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I think it's fine that he considered it and I'm surprised at those who were surprised you were not living together. Many people choose not to share living space with a boyfriend/girlfriend for a variety of valid reasons -or it just never comes up because it's not an automatic arrangement you make with someone you are involved with. I'm glad my husband and I waited till we were married -for one thing, living together might have raised unrealistic expectations because we ha a baby shortly after we got married. Living together with a newborn has nothing to do with living together without one IMO.

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He asked and it's $700 month more for him if he needs the money. I guess the bigger thing is how strong are your boyfriend's boundaries and have you had problems like this before where he isn't good and maintaining boundaries with members of the opposite sex? I'm not sure why the upset, so you will have to give us more reasons why this upsets you.

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Are you angry because he violated an expectation you have? Maybe one you haven't discussed openly, it just went unsaid for you?


I know I would not be alright with a bf of six years moving in a single woman into his apartment. For money or any other reason.


He can't mind read though. So if this is how you feel, you need to let him know. He may be simply thinking "sweet, extra cash!".

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We live in different cities and both have good paying jobs. Hard for either of us to walk away when opportunities are limited. He doesn't really need the money either, but he is always looking for new business ventures. The distance puts a strain on our relationship and this will just add to it. Thanks for all the advice, it does help put things in perspective.

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